Chair’s Report of the OA Region 9 Hybrid Assembly and Convention 2024
OA Region 9 Hybrid Assembly and Convention 2024
Our Overeaters Anonymous Region 9 Hybrid Assembly and Convention was successfully held from the 30th of October 2024 to the 3rd of November 2024 in Athens, Greece. It was hosted by the Greek National Service Board. A big thank you to our Geek fellows for the amazing service they provided!
The participation was the largest ever for a Region 9 Assembly and that gave us great joy and hope. We were 35 participants with a voice and a vote (4 region officers and 31 representatives from 17 countries: Cyrus, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden and Wales), our trustee liaison, many volunteers and more than 30 visitors not only from Greece but from different countries.
It was an amazing event, full of love and tolerance, with a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to carry the message of recovery to the still suffering compulsive eaters through our region.
We discussed 14 motions, which is an impressive number, considering that most of the representatives are not native English speakers (you can see what was adopted below), the strategic plan and the Region 9 Website and asked the representatives to contribute with their ideas and their vision.
We also held elections for some service positions. Please see the list with the Region 9 trusted servants, below.
Our Trustee Liaison held an interesting and fun Translations Workshop, where representatives were informed about the translation process.
Most importantly, we had meaningful time to get to know each other, to have recovery meetings, to bond, to build friendships, to share our experience, our strength and our hope and to have fun.
The convention that followed the assembly was also a very powerful event with many interesting workshops and strong recovery stories. We had the opportunity to share our experience, strength and hope, to cry and laugh with our recovery stories and find love and understanding beyond our wildest dreams!
Our next Assembly will be held in a few months. The dates will be confirmed by mid-January. Encourage your service bodies to attend. This is an experience you should not miss. We know you will not want to miss them!
Motions discussed during the Assembly
The motions that we adopted are:
Motion 8 was amended as below and was adopted as amended.
The Board will appoint a parliamentarian from the OA membership. If the board is unable to appoint a parliamentarian before the assembly, they may ask one or more representatives to provide advice on parliamentary procedure. The funding for the parliamentarian will be equivalent to that of board officers.
Motions 12 and 13 were defeated and Motion 11 was ruled out of order by the Chair.
Region 9 trusted servants and their email addresses:
Chair – Loudovika P. from Greece
Vice Chair – Natasha P. from England
Secretary – Hafi J. from Iran or
Treasurer – Robin S. from England
Digital Officer – Colette K. from Wales
Committee Chairs
Active Outreach Committee: Agnieszka B. from Poland
Nuts and Bolts Committee: Nelly P. from Italy
Service, Traditions and Concepts Committee: Eva B. from Spain
Ad-Hoc Translations and Interpretations Committee: Michal K. form Poland
Ad-Hoc Documents Review Committee: Sharlotte G. from England
Bylaws Coordinator: Adele A. from Israel
Newsletter Coordinator: Maria K. form Greece
Sponsorship List Coordinators: Tipi from Finland, Louisa from Portugal and Sussanne from Sweden
Sharlotte G. from England