News From World Service Office – Funding Available for OA Literature Translation!
Overeaters Anonymous is expanding its global reach by offering financial assistance for the translation of OA literature! Registered OA groups, service bodies, and even small groups of interested members—where an official OA group has yet to be established—are eligible to apply for funding to help make OA resources accessible in their language.
The World Service International Publications and Translations Committee has outlined a recommended translation order to ensure that essential OA texts are available first. The OA Glossary is the suggested starting point, followed by other primary texts. To explore the full list of recommendations, visit the Guidelines: Translation page and check out the Translation presentation slideshow for a deeper understanding of the process. Additionally, the Digital Files in Translation list provides insight into what OA literature has already been or is the process of being translated into various languages.
How to Apply for Translation Assistance
Applying for funding is simple! Just complete the Translation Assistance Fund application, available in the Document Library under the “Translation” section. If you have any questions, you can also reach out to or for guidance.
Deadlines & Review Process
Applications submitted by the end of the month will be reviewed in the following month, but there’s no need to wait—you can apply anytime!
This initiative is an incredible opportunity to make OA’s life-changing literature accessible to even more people worldwide. If you or your group are interested, don’t hesitate to take advantage of this support!
For more details, visit today.