The Assembly will be held on the 18th of May from 2 pm to 7 pm UK time

  • Service Bodies are encouraged to choose Representatives for at least a two-year term.
  • Each representative will:
    • Register for the Assembly and Convention.
    • Request financial assistance (if required) at least 3 months prior to the Assembly.
    • Book accommodation, preferably at the Assembly/Convention venue.
    • Organise and book travel arrangements.
    • Read and discuss materials with the represented service body, including motions.
    • Consider participating in one of the Region 9 committees at the Assembly and ongoing committee work throughout the year.
    • Attend all business sessions of the Assembly to vote and participate in debates.
    • Consider standing for Officer Positions or Committee Chair roles.
    • Report Assembly matters, workshops, ideas, and goals to their service body. The format of the report is at the discretion of their representative and their service body.
    • Encourage their service body to choose the next representative a year before the term ends and encourage the successor to observe and assist during the transition year.
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