The Assembly will be held on the 18th of May from 2 pm to 7 pm UK time

Title: Thriving in Connection


Region 9 is holding two assemblies per year.

The first Assembly is the Annual Assembly, it is held in hybrid format, with face to face and virtual attendance. This year we will meet in Paris from the 29th of October to the 31st of October 2025.

Our second Assembly, the Spring Assembly is a virtual half-day event held on Sunday 18th of May 2025 from 2 pm to 7 pm UK time.

As Region 9 Representatives to the Spring Assembly, you will be:

  • Sharing ideas and solutions
  • Reaching informed group conscience on issues
  • Voicing your (and your Service bodies) opinions
  • Participating in the strategic plan workshop
  • Helping set goals
  • Committing to service work for the next months

Your ideas, questions and participation are vital to recovery in Region 9 whether you are an experienced Representative or a new one.

Registration is open until Sunday 11th of May 2025.

For the Spring Assembly there is no registration fee.

Membership of Region 9 Assembly

According to our Policies and Procedures Manual the voting members of our assemblies are:

  • Representatives from each registered Service Body registered with the World Service Office as affiliated with Region 9
  • Board Members
  • Committee Chairs
  • Representatives from a Virtual Service Body outside of Region 9 who may be granted a voice and vote by the Assembly

And the non-voting members, that may have a voice but cannot engage in debate, are:

  • The Trustee Liaison
  • Service Coordinators
  • Visitors

Region 9 Assembly Representatives

Representatives should be duly elected by their Service Body. They should have a minimum of six months of current abstinence and one year of service beyond group level.

Service Bodies are encouraged to choose Representatives for at least a two-year term.

Representatives are responsible to register for the Assembly, read and discuss materials with the represented Service Body.

It is strongly suggested that they consider participating in one of the Region 9 Committees at the Assembly and ongoing committee work throughout the year.

After the Assembly they should report Assembly matters, workshops, ideas and goals to their Service Body. The format of the report is at the discretion of their Representative and their Service Body.

They should also encourage their Service Body to choose the next Representative a year before the term ends and encourage the successor to observe and assist during the transition year.

Each Service Body is entitled to send one Representative to the Region 9 Assembly. If a Service Body represents more than ten groups, they will be entitled to two Representatives and if a Service Body represents more than fifty groups, they are entitled to three Representatives.


Representatives, visitors and any member of Overeaters Anonymous, may serve on our Region 9 Committees.

The Committees that we currently have are:

  • Service, Traditions and Concepts Committee – The purpose of this committee is to educate members on the OA service structure, the Traditions and the Concepts of Service.
  • Nuts and Bolts Committee – The purpose of this committee is to oversee the revision of our Bylaws and Policies and Procedures together with the Bylaws Coordinator, to support the creation of the CIO, to oversee the revision of the Region 9 GDPR Policy and the Assembly Hosting Guidelines.
  • Active Outreach Committee – The purpose of this committee is to reach out to all Groups and Service Bodies that are affiliated to our Region, encourage them to participate in the Region’s activities and support them wherever they need.
  • Translations and Interpretations Committee – The purpose of this committee is to investigate how Region 9 can support our membership with translations and how we can collaborate with other Regions that have translations (Region 6, Region 8, Region 10 and the Virtual Region) in order to exchange experience, strength and hope to help our global OA community.
  • Digital Committee – The purpose of this committee is to work on the improvement of our Region 9 digital technologies including the website, Zoom account, Google Suite, and to investigate solutions in order to optimise our use of technology in order to improve communications.

For Reference – Region 9 Policies And Procedures

  1. Region 9 Assembly
    1. Voting Membership of Region Assembly
      1. Representatives from each registered Service Body registered with the World Service Office as affiliated with Region 9.
      2. Region 9 Board Members. (Chair, non-voting, except to break ties and for elections).
      3. Committee Chairs.
      4. Region 9 Representatives from a Virtual Service body outside of Region 9 may be granted a voice and vote by the Assembly.
        1. The Assembly with the first vote to grant them a voice at the Assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
        2. The Assembly will then vote to grant them a vote at the Assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
        3. Region 9 Representatives from registered unaffiliated Region 9 groups may be granted a voice and vote by the Assembly. The proposed Representative from an unaffiliated meeting should submit a written statement on the following:
          1. Why they are unaffiliated?
          2. If they plan to be affiliated in the future.
          3. If they meet the Representative requirements.
          4. The Assembly with the first vote to grant them a voice at the Assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
          5. The Assembly will then vote to grant them a vote at the Assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
  2. Non-Voting Membership of Region Assembly. The following may have a voice but no vote at the Assembly and cannot engage in debate on motions:
    1. Region 9 Trustee Liaison
    2. Service Coordinators
    3. Visitors
  3. Assembly and Convention Schedule
    1. Region 9 will hold two assemblies per year.
      1. The first Assembly, held at a convenient time in September, October or November, will be called the Annual Assembly and will be held for a duration set by the board and may be held in a hybrid or virtual format.
      2. The second Assembly, known as the spring Assembly, will be held virtually and will be, at a maximum, a one-day event held in February, April or May.
    2. A Convention may also be held in conjunction with the Annual Assembly if the hosting Service Body is in a position to do so.
  4. Notification for Assembly
    1. An email notification of the Annual Assembly will be sent six months before the Assembly to member groups, unaffiliated groups, and Service Bodies within Region 9.
    2. An email notification of the second Assembly will be sent four months before the Assembly to member groups, unaffiliated groups, and Service Bodies within Region 9.
    3. The notification will include an invitation from the hosting Service Body (for the Annual Assembly), a registration form, a New Business and Bylaws Amendment Motions form, an Application for financial assistance (if applicable), and a letter from the Region 9 Board.
  5. Assembly Binder
    1. The Assembly binder will be emailed no less than 45 days before the Assembly.
    2. The binder will also be placed on the Region 9 website.
    3. Representatives are encouraged to bring their own copies of documents.
    4. The binder will include, but will not be limited to, the following (if applicable):
      1. Key information.
      2. Duties and responsibilities of Region Representatives.
      3. Duties and responsibilities of Board Officers
      4. Assembly Agenda
      5. Reports from each Board Member, Committee, and Service Coordinator.
      6. The Annual budget.
      7. Motions to be considered at Assembly.
      8. Applications that have been submitted for elections to the Region 9 Board and Trustee nominees and blank application forms.
      9. The Bylaws, Policy Manual and Meeting Guidelines.
      10. Minutes of the previous Assembly.
      11. Bids from Service Bodies to host future Assemblies.
      12. Workshop Information
  6. Assembly Rules
    1. The Assembly will be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
    2. The Chair will ensure the availability of Robert’s Rules of Order for the Parliamentarian.
    3. The Assembly will adopt a set of standing rules at the start of each Assembly.
  7. Duties of Representatives
    1. Service Bodies are encouraged to choose Representatives for at least a two-year term.
    2. Each Representative will:
      1. Register for the Assembly and Convention.
      2. Request financial assistance (if required) at least 3 months prior to the Assembly.
      3. Book accommodation, preferably at the Assembly/Convention venue.
      4. Organise and book travel arrangements.
      5. Read and discuss materials with the represented Service Body, including motions.
      6. Consider participating in one of the Region 9 Committees at the Assembly and ongoing committee work throughout the year.
      7. Attend all business sessions of the Assembly to vote and participate in debates.
      8. Consider standing for Officer Positions or Committee Chair roles.
      9. Report Assembly matters, workshops, ideas, and goals to their Service Body. The format of the report is at the discretion of their Representative and their Service Body.
      10. Encourage their Service Body to choose the next Representative a year before the term ends and encourage the successor to observe and assist during the transition year.
  8. Qualifications for Representatives
    1. Each Representative will be elected by their Service Body or unaffiliated group.
    2. Each Representative will have a minimum of six months of current abstinence and one year of service beyond the group level.
  9. Number of Representatives
    1. Each Service Body will be entitled to one Representative.
    2. If the Service Body represents more than ten groups, they will be entitled to two Representatives.
    3. If the Service Body represents more than fifty groups, they will be entitled to three Representatives.
  10. Assembly Committees
    1. The Assembly determines which Committees will serve Region 9.
    2. Representatives and non-Representatives may serve on Committees.
    3. Committee Chairs are elected for two-year terms.
    4. Committee Chairs are eligible for a second two-year term. For a list of current Committees, see the Region 9 website.
  11. Registration and Orientation for Assembly
    1. Registration forms will be provided for Officers, Committee Chairs, Representatives, visitors and volunteers.
    2. An orientation session for Representatives will be held at or before the Assembly with information beneficial for new and returning members and an overview of the Assembly.
  12. Election of Hosting Service Body
    1. As far as possible, a hosting Service Body for the Annual Assembly will be elected two years prior to the Assembly they will host.
    2. An ad hoc committee to find a location for the next Assembly will be appointed by the Board at the Assembly if no hosting Service Body has been elected.
  13. Registration Fee
    1. There will be a registration fee for the Region Assembly.
    2. The registration fee of up to £100 Great Britain Pounds (equivalent in other currencies) is payable upon registration.
    3. Visitors will be exempt from paying the registration fee.
  14. Contents of the Assembly. The business of the Assembly may consist of the following:
    1. Question on reports.
    2. Election of officers.
    3. Election of WSBC delegate(s).
    4. Consideration of motions.
    5. A workshop for addressing issues arising from the translation of literature, answering questions, understanding and filling in the different licensing agreement forms and understanding copyright issues.
    6. Budget Workshop.
    7. Hold committee meetings
    8. Elect Committee Chairs
    9. Any other matter deemed appropriate by the board.


The primary purpose of Region 9 is the same as that of all OA service – to carry the OA message to the still suffering compulsive overeaters, wherever they live and whatever language they speak. In fulfilling our purpose, we should strive to achieve worldwide OA unity and common policies among all countries. With love and tolerance as our code, together we can do what we could never do alone. (1983a)

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