"Embrace the similarities, Love the differences, In all our affairs"


Last Revised October 2024











Groups, Intergroups and National Service Boards within Region 9                        



Composition of Region 9 Assembly






Composition of the Region 9 Board



Region 9 Trustee Liaison



Financial Structure



Major Policy Matters



Amendments to the Bylaws



Legal Disclaimers Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts



Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service






Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the Region 9 Assembly of Overeaters Anonymous.





Section 1

The purpose of the Region 9 Assembly shall be to carry the OA message within Region 9 to the still suffering compulsive overeater – wherever they live and whatever language they speak.






Section 2

The responsibilities to fulfill this purpose shall include:

Administering and coordinating OA activities common to the various Groups, Intergroup and National/Language Service Boards comprising its membership.

Establishing and maintaining a regional office mailing address to facilitate communication between Region 9 and the various groups, Intergroups, National/Language Service Boards, OA worldwide, and the World Service Office.

Promoting OA unity within the widely differing cultures and languages included in Region 9.

Furthering the OA program in accordance with the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of Overeaters Anonymous Inc. – Subpart B, Article I and II and III.





Section 1

The Definition of a Group

Region 9 endorses the definition of Overeaters Anonymous Groups in OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, Article V, and as it may be amended by a future World Service Business Conference. (Assembly 2022)


Definition (Section 1 for Article V of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

These points shall define an Overeaters Anonymous group:

a) As a group, they meet to practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service.

b)  All who have the desire to stop eating compulsively are welcome in the group.

c)  No member is required to practice any actions in order to remain a member or to have a voice (share at a meeting).

d)  As a group they have no affiliation other than Overeaters Anonymous.

e)  It has affiliated as an Overeaters Anonymous group by registering with the World Service Office.


Composition (Section 2 for Article V of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

  1. A group may be formed, as set forth in Article V, Section 1, by two or more persons meeting together, either
  1. in the same physical location (land-based);
  2.  through some form of electronic device (virtual); or
  3. both (hybrid).

b)  Groups compose the intergroups and service boards set forth in Article VI hereof.

c)  Affiliation/Participation:

  1. A group may affiliate with only one intergroup or national service board through the

registration process.

  1. Unaffiliated groups that are not ready to form a service body or new groups without any intergroup or national service board in their language may affiliate with an intergroup or national service board that supports groups in their language including translation of OA literature.
  2. Any group or service body may participate in the activities (including voting) of another service body with their permission.  


Section 2

Service Bodies

Region 9 endorses the definition of Overeaters Anonymous Service Bodies in OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI, and as it may be amended by a future World Service Business Conference. (Assembly 2022):

Service bodies are formed to support the groups in matters the group cannot accomplish on their own.

There shall be five types of service bodies to provide services beyond the group level. Service bodies provide support and representation of the groups and intergroups from which they are formed and act as guardians of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.

Service Bodies
a) Intergroups
b) National Service Boards
c) Language Service Boards
d) Specific-Topic Service Boards

e) Regions


Composition (Section 1 for Article VI of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

a) Intergroups are composed of two or more groups that have formed a service body for the purpose of supporting and representing these groups that are affiliated with it. Each state/province/country may have at least one service body (intergroup or national service board). In a state/province/country having only one group, that group may function as an intergroup.

b)  National service boards are composed of groups and intergroups who share a common purpose; to deal with issues that require a combination of membership and financial resources of intergroups and groups established within a single country.

c)  Language service boards are composed of groups, intergroups, and national service boards to serve the common needs of a language group, regardless of geographic proximity.

d)  Specific-Topic service boards are composed of two or more groups or intergroups to serve the common needs of groups/intergroups with the same specific focus, regardless of geographic proximity.

e)  There shall be eleven regions: one virtual region and ten geographic regions each composed of intergroups, groups, and service boards that fall within its region. Subject to region and BOT approval, language service boards that span more than one region may choose to affiliate with any single region or choose not to be affiliated with a region.

  1. Region No. 1 shall be the Pacific Northwest region composed of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.
  2. Region No. 2 shall be the Pacific Southwest Region composed of California, Hawaii, Reno/Tahoe area of Nevada, and Mexico.
  3. Region No. 3 shall be the Southwest Region composed of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah.
  4. Region No. 4 shall be the West Central Region composed of Illinois (except the Greater Chicago area and Central Illinois Intergroup), Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and the territory of Nunavut.
  5. Region No. 5 shall be the Central Region composed of the Greater Chicago area and Central Illinois Intergroup, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Southwestern Ontario.
  6. Region No. 6 shall be the Northeast Region composed of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Bermuda.
  7. Region No. 7 shall be the Eastern Region composed of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
  8. Region No. 8 shall be the Southeast Region composed of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, the US Virgin Islands, the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and South America.
  9. Region No. 9 shall be composed of countries and territories in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia, including all of Russia.
  10. Region No. 10 shall be composed of countries and territories in Australia, East Asia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and the Western Pacific Basin.
  11. Virtual Region is nongeographic and is primarily composed of virtual groups and virtual intergroups.

Should states/provinces/territories/countries within a region, or service bodies within a state/province/territory/country wish to transfer to a region that is more convenient, the body notifies its current region, the region it would like to join, and the Board of Trustees of its desire to transfer. The BOT then submits a motion to WSBC to amend Subpart B, Article VI, Section 1e of the bylaws.


Registration (Section 2 for Article VI of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

a) Each service body shall be duly registered with the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous by submitting:

  1. a completed registration form;
  2. bylaws and/or a summary of its purpose and operating procedures, neither of which shall be in conflict with OA, Inc. Bylaws. At a minimum, such bylaws or summary of purpose shall include a statement indicating that its primary purpose is to aid those having problems with compulsive eating through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service, and to serve and represent the OA groups from which it is formed; and
  3. complete registration information on:
  1. intergroups – each affiliated group;
  2. national service boards – each affiliated intergroup and group;
  3. language service boards – each participating group, intergroup, and/or national service board; and
  4. specific-focus boards – each participating group.

  1. Each service body shall submit a copy of its bylaws and/or summary of purpose to the WSO whenever either is updated or revised.

  1. Each service body shall evaluate its bylaws upon receipt of notification from the World Service Office of amendments to OA, Inc. Bylaws adopted at the World Service Business Conference to ensure that their bylaws do not conflict with OA, Inc. Bylaws. Notices shall be deemed to have been given if sent by electronic transmission to the registered contact for each service body. Any updated bylaws shall be submitted to the World Service Office pursuant to OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI, Section 2a) 2 above.


Affiliation and Participation (Section 3 for Article V of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

Purpose of Affiliation: to facilitate the count of the groups and service bodies of the Fellowship and to encourage the flow of support and information to all.

Purpose of Participation: To facilitate the support and the flow of information within groups and service bodies that have a common need.

For the purpose of registration and WSBC representation:

  1. An intergroup may affiliate with one national service board if it exists, shall be affiliated with one region, and may participate in one or more language service boards. If the intergroup affiliates with a national service board, that intergroup may choose to affiliate with the national service board’s region or choose to remain in the currently assigned region.
  2. A national service board is affiliated with the region where their nation exists and may participate in one or more language service boards.
  3. A language service board may affiliate with one region. When the language service board spans more than one region, it may choose which region to affiliate with. Should a language service board choose to not affiliate with a region, the BOT chair shall assign a trustee to serve as liaison to that language service board. The service bodies, and groups acting as service bodies, that participate in a language service board retain their original affiliation.
  4. A specific-focus service board may affiliate with one region. When the specific-focus service board spans more than one region, it may choose which region to affiliate with. Should a specific focus service board choose to not affiliate with a region, the BOT chair shall assign a trustee to serve as liaison to that specific focus service board. The groups that participate in a specific focus service board retain their original affiliation.

A group may choose to affiliate with an intergroup. The group shall be affiliated with the intergroup’s region.

Should a group choose not to affiliate with an intergroup, but affiliates with a national service board, that group shall be affiliated with that national service board’s region.

Groups that choose not to affiliate with an intergroup or a national service board shall be affiliated with the region where the group exists, either the geographic region or the Virtual Region.

Any group or service body may participate in the activities (including voting) of another intergroup, national service board, language service board, and/or specific focus service board, and region with their permission.


Functioning and WSBC Representation (Section 4 for Article V of OA Inc., Bylaws, Subpart B)

  1. Service bodies may conduct their business by any method they choose.
  2. Minimal requirement for registered service bodies to maintain their registration at the WSO:
  1. Intergroups shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all affiliated member groups, and for election of officers and selection, when necessary, of delegate(s) to the World Service Business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous.
  2. National service boards shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all affiliated member groups and intergroups for election of officers and selection, when necessary, of delegate(s) to the World Service Business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous.
  3. Language service boards shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all member groups, intergroups, and national service boards for election of officers and selection, when necessary, of one delegate/alternate to the World Service Business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous.
  4. Specific focus service boards shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all member groups for election of officers and selection, when necessary, of one delegate/alternate to the World Service Business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous.
  5. Region assemblies whose members shall be called “region representatives” or “RRs” shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all service bodies, and unaffiliated registered groups, for the election of officers and/or the selection of nominees for trustee(s) from that region and any sitting trustee from outside of that region who is currently serving as their trustee liaison.

  1. To send delegates to the WSBC a service body must be formally registered, along with its delegate information, thirty days prior to Conference opening. (See Article VIII, Section 3(c) for qualifications and selection of delegates.)

In order to deregister, a service body submits a written request to the World Service Office, region chair, and trustee liaison; or in the case of a language service board or specific-focus service board that is not affiliated with a region, the World Service Office and the trustee liaison.



In accordance with the bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Subpart B, Region 9, shall be composed of countries and territories in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia, including all of Russia.




Section 1 – Quorum

At a Region 9 Assembly, representatives from at least five countries shall constitute a quorum.




Section 1- Composition

The Region 9 Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair (2020), Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.


Section 2 – Duties

Duties of members of the Region 9 Board shall include but not be limited to the following:

  1. The Chair is responsible to see that a notification of the Assembly is emailed in accordance with Article V – Section 2; to see that Region 9 Intergroups, National/Language Service Boards are notified that amendments to these Bylaws should be sent in accordance with Article XII – Section 1; to prepare an agenda for the Assembly and see that the agenda is emailed in accordance with Article V – Section 4; to preside over the Assembly; and in accordance with the Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. – Subpart B is entitled to be a voting delegate to the annual World Service Business Conference.
  2. The Vice-Chair is responsible to support the Chair and other board members in performing their service duties. (2020)
  3. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate minutes and records of all Region decisions and actions at the Assembly. The Secretary must see that the Minutes are emailed, when possible, within 45 days of the Assembly to all participants of the Assembly, unaffiliated groups in Region 9 and Service Bodies that have not sent a representative to the Assembly. Any Service Body interested can ask the Region 9 Secretary for a copy of the Minutes by email.
  4. The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of Region 9; and to see that the annual financial statements are mailed to all members Intergroup and National/Language Service Boards.
  5. The Communications Officer shall assist other board members and perform the duties of any board position when required.
  6. In an emergency situation, approval of two members of the Region 9 Board is required to execute decisions deemed necessary for Region 9 as a whole. Notification of such decision shall be sent within 45 days to all registered Groups, Intergroup and National/Language Service Boards within Region 9.
  7. For additional and a more detailed explanation of duties for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer, refer to the Region 9 Principles & Procedures manual. (2020)


Section 3- Elections

  1. Nominations and elections shall be held in each year at the Region 9 Assembly.
  2. To be eligible for election to membership of the Region 9 Board, a person must be present at the meeting and be an OA member from Region 9. In addition, a person standing for the office of Chair and Vice Chair (2020) must have been a representative at a previous Region 9 Assembly. To be elected, a member must receive a majority vote of the representatives present. In addition, each candidate for the Region Board shall have where possible at least one year of current abstinence and at least two years of service beyond group level at the time of election. In the event of a candidate with these qualifications not being present a candidate who has not these qualifications can be elected provided that they comply with ARTICLE IV – Section 3 c and can demonstrate that they have a good record of service to the Fellowship, and faithful adherence to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA. (2020)
  3. Board members are elected for a term of two consecutive years in the same position.
  4. Board members are elected to serve for a two (2) year term. Board members should not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. A member who has just completed eight (8) consecutive years of service may stand for re-election only after an interval of two (2) years.
  5. Nominations for qualified nominees to the Region 9 Assembly may be made from the floor at the Assembly. Upon nomination, the nominees shall be called upon to present their qualifications briefly to the Assembly.
  6. Any vacated position may be temporarily filled by a representative on request of the Region 9 Chair at the Assembly with the approval of the Region 9 representatives.
  7. Vacancies (other than the position of Chair) that occur during the term of office between Assemblies shall be filled by a person appointed by the Chair. All vacancies shall be filled by an election at the next Region 9 Assembly.
  8. In the event that the position of Chair becomes vacant, then the position of Chair will be filled by one of the other Board members based on the following order of preference – Vice-Chair (2020), Communication Officer (2020), then Secretary, then Treasurer – whereby they shall act as the Chair until the next Assembly with the authority to perform all prescribed duties and responsibilities. (2020)

In the event that none of the current serving Region 9 Board members are able to fill the position of Region 9 Chair, then the Board may appoint another person, providing they adhere to criteria as set out in Bylaw Article VII, Section 3b (above). All vacancies shall be filled by an election at the next Region 9 Assembly."

  1. Each officer of Region 9 who will be selected as a delegate or alternate for the World Service Business Conference should comply with the requirements in the OA Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article X, Section 3c 1. Current requirements are one (1) year current abstinence and at least two (2) years of service beyond the group level.


Section 4 – Removal of Officers

  1. Any Officer may be removed for cause by a 2/3 vote of the representatives attending Region 9 Assembly.
  2. The failure to perform the duties and responsibilities of such an officer, as enumerated in the Region 9 Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2 may constitute cause for removal.
  3. 8 weeks prior to Assembly, by registered letter, the Chair will inform the officer concerned that a motion for his/her removal will be proposed at Assembly and that he/she is given 15 days to respond and explain his/her position. 4 to 6 weeks prior to Assembly, the Chair will send the motion to Assembly members.
  4. The vote may be enforced right away.




Section 1- Nomination and Selection

Trustees are elected at the World Service Business Conference.

Nominees should reside within Region 9, have been endorsed by Region 9 and must be members of OA who meet the requirement of the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. Bylaws – Subpart B. Trustees serves Overeaters Anonymous as a whole as a member of the Board of Trustees.


Section 2- Endorsement Procedure

  1. The Region 9 Assembly will endorse the candidacy of up to 3 Trustee Nominees.
  2. Trustee Nominees should forward their original World Service Trustee Application Forms to the Region 9 Chair to arrive 1 month prior to the Region 9 Assembly.
  3. To be eligible for election, each nominee must appear before the representatives at the Region 9 Assembly and address the assembled representatives for three to five minutes and answer questions from the floor. A ballot shall take place at the Region 9 Assembly.
  4. All voting members attending the Region 9 Assembly shall be entitled to a vote.
  5. The Chair and Secretary will independently tabulate the results and confer.
  6. The three nominees receiving the highest number of votes will have their original application affirmed endorsed and returned to them by 15th January.
  7. Unsuccessful nominees will also have their forms returned by this date.
  8. Up to three nominees who are affirmed endorsed will receive reimbursement of their costs for their expenses in attending World Service Business Conference (WSBC) as agreed by the Assembly in the budget.
  9. Nominations who are endorsed may be attending WSBC in another capacity and thus may not require separate funding by the Region.


Section 3 – Selection of Trustee Nominees where a vacancy occurs mid term

In the event that WSBC nominations are due for the position of Trustee and the deadline for submissions for applications for the position falls prior to the next assembly the following actions will be taken to fill the Trustee vacancy:

  1. The Region 9 Board will solicit applications from Region 9 Service Bodies.
  2. The Region 9 Board will consider only those applicants meeting all requirements for Trustee as outlined by the Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Subpart B, Article IX,
  3. A majority vote of the Region 9 Board will constitute affirmation of the applicant(s).
  4. Notification of outcome of the vote by the Region 9 Board shall be made to Region 9 Service Bodies, the Board of Trustees and World Service Office.



  1. The activities of Region 9 shall be financed primarily by the contributions of its member Groups, Intergroups and National/Language Service Boards.
  2. Region 9 may accept donations from OA members, Groups, Intergroups and other service bodies, conforming with the general principles of Overeaters Anonymous.
  3. A secondary source of financial income to Region 9 may be from such occasional projects or activities as may be authorized by the Region 9 Board.
  4. All proceeds over and above expenses from the Region 9 Convention shall be designated for Region 9.
  5. The Region 9 representatives shall not accept the responsibility, trusteeship, or enter into the distribution of funds set up outside the Region 9 Board, aside from the structure set up within these bylaws.  (2022)
  6. Region 9 funds shall be banked in one or more countries designated by the Region 9 Assembly. All financial transactions that have not been approved by the Region 9 Assembly are subject to approval of three members of the Region 9 Board. This must be interpreted as to include all unusual items or requests for payment in advance of expenditure.
  7. Funds of Region 9 are primarily earmarked for use in operating costs.
  8. Where funds permit, Region 9 should have a prudent reserve equal to (1) years standard costs. The standard costs are to be determined and updated annually by the Treasurer together with all other Board members, and included and explained in the budget to be presented to Region 9 Assembly each year. The formula for setting the standard costs is to be reviewed by the Board annually, and the Assembly every four years.


Section 2 – Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO) (2022)

  1. The R9 Assembly is the "Appointing Body" for the Charitable Incorporated Organization referred to as OA R9 CIO.
  2. The OAR9 CIO is the legal entity which will be established and maintained by the Overeaters Anonymous Region 9 Assembly.
  3. The purpose of the OAR9 CIO is to administer the assets and bank account in accordance with the tax and charity laws in England and Wales and any such laws and their successors.
  4. The trustees of the OAR9 CIO will act as the management committee of the CIO and at all times will act in accordance with the will of the OA Region 9 Assembly and in alignment with the OA 12 Steps, 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of Service.
  5. The Constitution of the OAR9 CIO will be in alignment with a) the OA R9 Assembly (Incl. the OA R9 Bylaws and OA R9 P & P) b) the OA 12 Steps, 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts of Service & c) the OA Inc, Bylaws Subpart B.
  6. The authorized number of trustees of the OAR9 CIO will be three. These trustees will include the OA R9 banker.
  7. OA R9 CIO trustees in addition to the OA R9 Banker will be appointed by the OA R9 Board, provided that they: – 1) a) be an OA member, b) have been present at an OA R9 Assembly c) have one year of current abstinence d) be able to demonstrate their service to OA e) not have any bankruptcy history & f) be willing to be available promptly when requested. OR 2) be a ‘Special Worker’ within the OA meaning of a ‘Special Worker’.
  8. Bank transactions shall be authorized in accordance with the normal budgeting procedures and practices laid down in the OA R9 Bylaws and P & P.
  9. The trustees of the OA R9 CIO will complete an annual report in accordance with the tax & charity laws in England and Wales and in due time to be presented to the OA R9 Assembly held in the same year.




Section 1

Matters which relate to major policy affecting Overeaters Anonymous as a whole shall be referred to the Trustee Liaison or another member of the Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. World Service Board of Trustees




Section 1

  1. These Bylaws, representing our table of organization, may be amended by a two thirds majority of the voting body at the annual Regional Assembly provided that representatives are present from at least five different countries within Region 9. Proposed amendments should be submitted to the Region 9 Bylaws Committee at least ninety days before the Region 9 Assembly, and are to be submitted, in writing, by this committee to the Region 9 Chair at least seventy-five days before the Region 9 Assembly.
  2. Any motions submitted to the Region 9 Chair and/or Region 9 Bylaws Committee ninety (90) days or more prior to the annual Assembly, can only be submitted by the Region 9 Board, a Region 9 Service Body or a Region 9 Committee.
  3. Upon receipt of notification from the World Service Office of amendments to OA, Inc. Bylaws adopted at the World Service Business Conference, the Region 9 Board will evaluate the Region 9 Bylaws.  In the event that the Board unanimously agrees that an amendment and update to the Region 9 Bylaws is necessary to ensure the Region 9 Bylaws are not in conflict with the OA Inc. Bylaws, then such updates are to be made by the Board itself and submitted to the World Service Office pursuant to OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VII, Section 4a.  Notification of such updates is to be made to all Region 9 Service Bodies within one month of the update being made. In the event that there is no unanimous agreement by the Board concerning the amendment and update of the Region 9 Bylaws pursuant to amendments of the OA Inc Bylaws, then the update is to be brought before the Region 9 Assembly for their consideration and vote.


Section 2 – Emergency New Business

Bylaw amendments, including items raised during the Assembly by a Committee, which have not been submitted to the Region Chair seventy-five days before the Assembly and which are considered to be of an emergency nature by the Region 9 Board and the Bylaws Committee Chair may be voted on at the Assembly.

Section 3 – Amendments to The Twelve Steps Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service

Amendments to The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service of OA may only be made as per OA Inc. Bylaws Subpart B, Article XIV section Ι.




Section 1

All members of the Assembly and all members of local groups which are members of the Assembly shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that, upon dissolution of the Assembly, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, the assets of the Assembly, when remaining in the hands of the Board, after all debts have been paid, shall be used for the purpose of Overeaters Anonymous as determined by the current Region 9 Board. In the event of there being no remaining Region Nine Board any remaining funds should go to the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous.


Section 2

No member of the Assembly or any member of any Intergroup or Group which is a member of the Assembly, and no Officer or member of a Committee or person connected with the Assembly or any other private individual shall receive at any time any earnings or pecuniary profit from the operations of the Assembly; provided that they shall not prevent the payment to any such person of such reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the Assembly affecting any of its purposes as shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the assets upon the dissolution of the Assembly.




  1. We admitted we were powerless over food – that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


  1. Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon OA unity.
  2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
  3. The only requirement for OA membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively.
  4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or OA as a whole.
  5. Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.
  6. An OA group ought never endorse, finance or lend the OA name to any related enterprise, lest problems of money property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
  7. Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
  8. Overeaters Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
  9. OA, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
  10. Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
  11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather that promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television and other public media of communication.
  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.


  1. The ultimate responsibility and authority for OA world services reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
  2. The OA groups have delegated to World Service Business Conference the active maintenance of our world services; thus, World Service Business Conference is the voice, authority and effective conscience of OA as a whole.
  3. The right of decision, based on trust, makes effective leadership possible.
  4. The right of participation ensures equality of opportunity for all in the decision-making process.
  5. Individuals have the right of appeal and petition in order to ensure that their opinions and personal grievances will be carefully considered.
  6. The World Service Business Conference has entrusted the Board of Trustees with the primary responsibility for the administration of Overeaters Anonymous.
  7. The Board of Trustees has legal rights and responsibilities accorded to them by the OA Bylaws, Subpart A; the rights and responsibilities of the World Service Business Conference are accorded to it by Tradition and by OA Bylaws, Subpart B.
  8. The Board of Trustees has delegated to its Executive Committee the responsibility to administer the OA World Service Office.
  9. Able, trusted servants, together with sound and appropriate methods of choosing them, are indispensable for effective functioning at all service levels.
  10. Service responsibility is balanced by carefully defined service authority; therefore, duplication of efforts is avoided.
  11. Trustee administration of the World Service Office should always be assisted by the best standing committees, executives, staffs and consultants.
  12. The spiritual foundation for OA service ensures that;
  1. no OA committee or service body shall ever become the seat of perilous wealth or power;
  2. sufficient operating funds, plus an ample reserve, shall be OA’s prudent financial principle;
  3. no OA member shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority;
  4. all important decisions shall be reached by discussion, vote and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity;
  5. no service action shall ever be personally punitive or an incitement to public controversy; and
  6. no OA service committee or service board shall ever perform any acts of government, and each shall always remain democratic in thought and action.

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