“Embrace The Similarities, Love The Differences In All Our Affairs”


Last Revised October 2024

(Re-Organized 2017)



































1 – Region 9 Assembly

  1. Voting Membership of Region Assembly
  1. Representatives from each registered service body registered with the World Service Office as affiliated with Region 9.
  2. Region 9 Board Members. (Chair, non-voting, except to break ties and for elections).
  3. Committee Chairs.
  4. Region 9 representatives from a Virtual Service body outside of Region 9 may be granted a voice and vote by the assembly.
  1. The assembly with the first vote to grant them a voice at the assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
  2. The assembly will then vote to grant them a vote at the assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
  3. Region 9 representatives from registered unaffiliated Region 9 groups may be granted a voice and vote by the assembly. The proposed representative from an unaffiliated meeting should submit a written statement on the following:
  1. Why they are unaffiliated?
  2. If they plan to be affiliated in the future.
  3. If they meet the representative requirements.
  4. The assembly with the first vote to grant them a voice at the assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
  5. The assembly will then vote to grant them a vote at the assembly. Requires a two-thirds majority.
  1. Non-Voting Membership of Region Assembly

The following may have a voice but no vote at the assembly and cannot engage in debate on motions:

  1. Region 9 Trustee Liaison
  2. Service Coordinators
  3. Visitors
  1. Assembly and Convention Schedule
  1. Region 9 will hold two assemblies per year.
  1. The first assembly, held at a convenient time in September, October or November, will be called the annual assembly and will be held for a duration set by the board and may be held in a hybrid or virtual format.
  2. The second assembly, known as the spring assembly, will be held virtually and will be, at a maximum, a one-day event held in February, April or May.
  1. A Convention may also be held in conjunction with the annual Assembly if the hosting Service Body is in a position to do so.
  1. Notification for Assembly
  1. An email notification of the annual assembly will be sent six months before the Assembly to member groups, unaffiliated groups, and Service Bodies within Region 9.
  2. An email notification of the second assembly will be sent four months before the Assembly to member groups, unaffiliated groups, and Service Bodies within Region 9.
  3. The notification will include an invitation from the hosting service body (for the annual assembly), a registration form, a new business and bylaws amendment motions form, an application for financial assistance (if applicable), and a letter from the Region 9 Board.
  1. Assembly Binder
  1. The assembly binder will be emailed no less than 45 days before the Assembly.
  2. The binder will also be placed on the Region 9 website.
  3. Representatives are encouraged to bring their own copies of documents.
  4. The binder will include, but will not be limited to, the following (if applicable):
  1. Key information.
  2. Duties and responsibilities of Region Representatives.
  3. Duties and responsibilities of Board Officers
  4. Assembly Agenda.
  5. Reports from each board member, committee, and service coordinator.
  6. The annual budget.
  7. Motions to be considered at Assembly.
  8. Applications that have been submitted for elections to the Region 9 board and trustee nominees and blank application forms.
  9. The bylaws, policy manual and meeting guidelines.
  10. Minutes of the previous assembly.
  11. Bids from service bodies to host future Assemblies.
  12. Workshop Information
  1. Assembly Rules
  1. The assembly will be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
  2. The Chair will ensure the availability of Robert’s Rules of Order for the parliamentarian.
  3. The assembly will adopt a set of standing rules at the start of each assembly.
  1. Duties of Representatives
  1. Service Bodies are encouraged to choose representatives for at least a two-year term.
  2. Each representative will:
  1. Register for the Assembly and Convention.
  2. Request financial assistance (if required) at least 3 months prior to the Assembly.
  3. Book accommodation, preferably at the Assembly/Convention venue.
  4. Organise and book travel arrangements.
  5. Read and discuss materials with the represented service body, including motions.
  6. Consider participating in one of the Region 9 committees at the Assembly and ongoing committee work throughout the year.
  7. Attend all business sessions of the Assembly to vote and participate in debates.
  8. Consider standing for Officer Positions or Committee Chair roles.
  9. Report Assembly matters, workshops, ideas, and goals to their service body. The format of the report is at the discretion of their representative and their service body.
  10. Encourage their service body to choose the next representative a year before the term ends and encourage the successor to observe and assist during the transition year.
  1. Qualifications for Representatives
  1. Each representative will be elected by their service body or unaffiliated group.
  2. Each representative will have a minimum of six months of current abstinence and one year of service beyond the group level.
  1. Number of Representatives
  1. Each service body will be entitled to one representative.
  2. If the service body represents more than ten groups, they will be entitled to two representatives.
  3. If the service body represents more than fifty groups, they will be entitled to three representatives.
  1. Assembly Committees
  1. The assembly determines which committees will serve Region 9.
  2. Representatives and non-representatives may serve on committees.
  3. Committee Chairs are elected for two-year terms.
  4. Committee Chairs are eligible for a second two-year term. For a list of current committees, see the Region 9 website.
  1. Registration and Orientation for Assembly
  1. Registration forms will be provided for Officers, Committee Chairs, Representatives, visitors and volunteers.
  2. An orientation session for representatives will be held at or before the assembly with information beneficial for new and returning members and an overview of the assembly.
  1. Election of Hosting Service Body
  1. As far as possible, a hosting service body for the annual assembly will be elected two years prior to the assembly they will host.
  2. An ad hoc committee to find a location for the next Assembly will be appointed by the Board at the assembly if no hosting service body has been elected.
  1. Registration Fee
  1. There will be a registration fee for the Region Assembly.
  2. The registration fee of up to £100 Great Britain Pounds (equivalent in other currencies) is payable upon registration.
  3. Visitors will be exempt from paying the registration fee.
  1. Contents of the Assembly

The business of the assembly may consist of the following:

  1. Question on reports.
  2. Election of officers.
  3. Election of WSBC delegate(s).
  4. Consideration of motions.
  5. A workshop for addressing issues arising from the translation of literature, answering questions, understanding and filling in the different licensing agreement forms and understanding copyright issues.
  6. Budget Workshop.
  7. Hold committee meetings
  8. Elect Committee Chairs
  9. Any other matter deemed appropriate by the board.



The primary purpose of Region 9 is the same as that of all OA service – to carry the OA message to the still suffering compulsive overeaters, wherever they live and whatever language they speak. In fulfilling our purpose, we should ever strive to achieve worldwide OA unity and common policies among all countries. With love and tolerance as our code, together we can do what we could never do alone. (1983a)

3 Board Duties (2024)

Article 1 – General Duties of Board Members

  1. Serve on the Region 9 Board.
  2. Attend board meetings.
  3. Periodically check and coordinate updating of various documents, including but not limited to Vital Link, Bid to Host Assembly and Convention, and Region 9 Best Practices.
  4. Ensure adherence to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA Service within Region 9.
  5. Perform duties detailed in the Bylaws and Policy Manual.
  6. Respond in a timely manner to all correspondence and inquiries. At the start of each term, the board will determine the definition of timely.
  7. Maintain a record of assets and passwords. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining this list on Google Drive.
  8. Facilitate Service, Traditions and Concepts workshops when and where possible within Region 9 and attend other events within the Region, where budget allows, or at the expense of the country hosting the OA event.
  9. Reach out to countries and service bodies not present at the assembly or in contact with Region 9.

Article 2 – Duties of Specific Board Members

  1. Chair
  1. Presides at
  1. Board meetings
  2. Region 9 Assembly
  1. Prepares the Agenda for all meetings of the board and assemblies where appropriate with the help of other officers.
  2. Attends World Service Business Conference on behalf of Region 9.
  3. Is a member of the World Service Business Conference Region Chairs Committee and attends the committee meetings.
  4. Works with the Trustee Liaison on issues that directly affect the Region.#
  5. Acts as line manager of any special workers (paid staff) on behalf of the Board. The Chair may appoint another board member to fill this role.
  6. Appoint the Region 9 Parliamentarian.
  1. Vice-Chair
  1. Assumes all duties of the Chair in their absence or when requested by the Chair.
  2. Supports other officers in fulfilling their duties.#Other duties as assigned.
  1. Secretary
  1. Takes minutes of all assembly and board meetings.
  2. The Secretary at the time of the assembly will be responsible for the creation of the minutes.
  3. The Secretary is responsible for obtaining copies of any information to be included in the minutes.
  4. The Minutes will contain:
  1. Date/Time and Place of the Region 9 Assembly
  2. Names of Officers present
  3. Record of actions taken on the minutes of the previous meeting
  4. The exact wording of each motion as it was voted on, and whether it passed or failed
  5. The proposer and seconder of each motion
  6. The count of the yes and no votes.
  7. Any notices or announcements given at the meeting
  8. Points of order and appeals
  9. Committee reports and any other reports occurring during or about the assembly
  10. Revised copies of the Bylaws and Policy Manual.
  1. The Secretary will provide, within 60 days after the Assembly, a draft of the Assembly minutes for the Minutes Review Committee.
  1. Committee members will provide the Secretary with additions or corrections within 28 days upon receipt of the minutes.
  2. If there is a discrepancy, the secretary will review the recording and advise the committee.
  3. After the committee has been advised as to the contents of the recording, the committee will vote on the inclusion or removal of any found discrepancies of any element of the minutes. This requires a two-thirds majority.
  1. Will submit a copy of the final unapproved minutes to be posted on the website.
  2. Send application forms of trustee nominees to the World Service Office within one week of the affirmation of candidates.
  3. Send a notification of the Assembly to all Service Bodies and unaffiliated meetings in Region 9.
  1. Request that amendments be sent in accordance with Article XII – Section 1
  2. Receive the agenda from the Chair and see that the agenda is emailed to all Service Bodies and unaffiliated meetings.
  1. Be responsible for the preparation of registration and business-related materials for the Assembly, including the Convention invitation, the Assembly Binder, and the minutes of Region 9 Assemblies. The binder will include all reports, motions and other information about the business of the assembly. The binder may include a bid for future Assembly/Convention hosts.
  2. Be responsible for updating roll call for and at the assembly.
  3. Review updates resulting from motions at the assembly and then update the Bylaws and Policy manual if required. If the Bylaws are updated will be responsible for sending the updated Bylaws to the World Service Office.
  4. Ensure proper transfer storage and deletion (in required timeframes) of large amounts of personal data such as from the region’s convention.
  5. Maintains a current list of all service body contacts and group representatives.
  6. Provides data for the Assembly binder, showing
  1. Count of Region 9 service bodies.
  2. Meeting counts for each country in Region 9.
  3. Languages and currencies of each country in Region 9.
  1. Other duties as assigned.
  1. Treasurer
  1. Coordinates with the CIO, board members, the banker, committees and paid staff on finance and budget matters within the region.
  2. Provides quarterly financial updates to the Board.
  3. Prepares an annual budget for approval of the assembly.
  4. Maintains financial records.
  5. Provides an annual report of all contributions received, income and expenses.
  6. Other duties as assigned.
  1. Digital Officer
  1. Develops and implements a digital strategy for Region 9.
  2. Identifies opportunities for digital innovation and growth to maximise the impact of Region 9.
  3. Oversees the maintenance of the Region 9 website.
  4. Manages the OA Region 9 Google Drive.
  5. Be responsible for keeping and giving out passwords.
  6. Maintains and updates Region 9 mailing listings.
  7. Creates effective email campaigns to promote events, 7th tradition, and other initiatives.
  8. Sends communications to the Region 9 mailing list, including
  1. Announcements regarding
  1. Region 9
  2. The World Service Business Conference
  3. The World Service Office
  4. Other important information from Board Officers, the Trustee Liaison and Service Bodies
  5. Reminders of important dates
  1. Provides regular reports to measure the success of digital efforts and make recommendations.
  2. Provides training and support to the Region 9 board, committees and service volunteers on digital tools and best practices.
  3. Other duties as assigned.
  1. These duties may be adjusted as needed for smooth operations; any changes will be communicated at the following assembly.

4 Region 9 Banker

Section 1 – Qualification

  1. To be eligible, nominees for the position of Banker must, where possible, have at least one year of current abstinence.
  2. Nominees should have at least two years of service beyond the group level at the time of election.
  3. In the absence of a candidate with these qualifications, a nominee without these qualifications can be elected.
  4. Candidates without the specified qualifications must demonstrate a good record of service to the Fellowship and faithful adherence to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA.
  5. Resides in Great Britain.

Section 2 – Election

  1. The person does not have to be present at the Assembly where the election is taking place.
  2. To be elected as Banker, a member must receive a majority vote of the representatives present.
  3. The position is elected for a two-year term, alternating with the Treasurer's position.
  4. The Banker should serve for no more than four consecutive years.
  5. Nominations may be received from voting representatives at the Region 9 Assembly or from visitors to the assembly.
  6. Live communication (e.g., via Zoom) is preferable for absent nominees, allowing Assembly delegates to ask questions.
  7. If no applications are received at the required Region 9 Assembly or if a vacancy occurs between Assemblies, the position can be filled by a person appointed by a majority vote of the Region 9 Board.
  8. The elected candidate will undergo a credit check by the bank. If the Banker fails the check, a new banker must be found.

Section 3 – Duties

  1. Deals with the bank and physical banking activities in the UK.
  2. Complies with any further details of the banking role as outlined in the P & P.
  3. Liaises with the Treasurer.
  4. Receives all Contributions and sends email receipts with a copy to the treasurer.
  5. Arrange payments to be made after instruction from the Treasurer.
  6. Sends a list of all incoming and outgoing financial transactions of the bank accounts to the Chair and Treasurer on a monthly basis.
  7. Maintains and checks bank statements and forwards them to the Treasurer and Chair.
  8. Is a signatory for the Region 9 bank account.
  9. Reports annually to the Region 9 Assembly in written format.
  10. The duties of the Banker may be undertaken by a Treasurer who resides in Great Britain.
  11. The Banker’s service is overseen by and works in conjunction with the Treasurer.



  1. The Trustee Liaison and appropriate committees and service workers will assist Service bodies within Region 9 with the processes necessary for the translation of OA Literature. (2017)
  2. Each Service Board that speaks a language other than English is encouraged to set a goal to translate as much OA literature as possible, bearing in mind the need to avoid duplication of efforts and to work with other Service Boards that speak the same language. (2017)
  3. Region 9 uses the most recently updated "OA Guidelines -Translation Guidelines for OA Literature" which applies to the worldwide fellowship of OA and is available from the oa.org website. (2017)





  1. R9 is mindful of being fully self-supporting. (2017)
  2. The assembly shall be reliably informed so as to make the best financial decisions. (2017)
  3. We consider using funds efficiently to carry the message within the region. (2017)
  4. We also consider OA as a whole and thus contribute to our WSO. (2017)
  5. The R9 Board needs to be aware of the various financial policies so that where it affects their role, they can act accordingly. (2017)



  1. Region 9 board members are reimbursed for travel expenses, accommodation and food when attending the R9 Assembly and Convention. Board members are encouraged to choose the most cost-effective travel arrangements/accommodation/meals. (2017)
  2. The R9 assembly starts on a Wednesday afternoon and board members will be reimbursed for accommodation starting Wednesday night. However, when a board member has a long trip and maybe even a change of time zones, the board may decide, prior to the Assembly, to reimburse that member for an additional night (Tuesday night) in order to settle in properly. Food is usually included in the accommodation fee, however, if this is not the case, the board members will be reimbursed for three meals a day.
  3. Reimbursement for OA Reps, Visitors, or Members "standing in" for an absent officer: (2017)
  1. In the event that a board member is unable to perform their duties at the assembly, the R9 board may ask (prior or during assembly) an OA member (Rep, Visitor, or member) to step in. (2017)
  2. The OA member in question needs to meet the abstinence requirements and the service requirements according to the R9 Bylaws and will be reimbursed for travel expenses, and accommodation and food for the duration of the assembly, unless the "stand in" already receives funding from their service body. (2017)
  1. The Board will appoint a parliamentarian from the OA membership. If the board is unable to appoint a parliamentarian before the assembly, they may ask one or more representatives to provide advice on parliamentary procedure. The funding for the parliamentarian will be equivalent to that of board officers. (2017)



  1. The R9 Chair, or another officer if the Chair is unable, will be funded to attend WSBC to represent R9 each year. (2017)
  2. The officer as delegate will be prudent with the use of Region 9 funds. (2017)
  3. When WSBC starts on a Monday, the Chair and Delegates will be reimbursed for a total of seven nights, starting on Sunday, in order to settle in properly and adapt to the different time zone. Meals are reimbursed unless included in the room fee. (2017)



  1. About six months prior to every assembly, the treasurer informs the R9 board members and parliamentarian about the current financial situation; reminding them also about reimbursement procedures. (2017)
  2. The Treasurer is also responsible to inform representatives of the R9 Assembly & Convention who receive financial assistance about the policies and procedures of funding. (2017)
  3. If there is a ‘stand in’ for an absent officer, the Treasurer will also inform this OA member regarding possible reimbursement. (2017)



  1. Financial assistance can be granted to representatives (for assembly and convention) of Region 9 service bodies, or representatives of areas with no service body, and R9 Committee Chairs travelling to Region 9 Assemblies. (2017)
  2. Application forms will be distributed with Assembly Invitation, and will be posted and remain on R9 Website. (2017)
  3. Completed application forms will be submitted to the R9 Treasurer at least 3 months prior to the date of the Assembly. (2012g)
  4. Service bodies requesting such funds are required to attach to the application form – the latest financial summary of the service body plus give details of any funding for attendance at Region 9 Assembly from elsewhere. (2017)
  5. The Region 9 Board are authorized to consider applications having regard to the funds agreed in the prior budget by the Assembly. (2017)
  6. Priority for financial assistance for regional representatives travelling to the R9 Assembly will be given to those IGs and NSBs that: (2017)
  1. Cannot afford to fund a representative on their own,
  2. To those with the greatest distance to travel,
  3. And to those attending their first Assembly. (1996h) (2011c).

  1. payment of this assistance will be arranged by the Treasurer after approval. (2017)
  2. Note that the funds allocated for representative assistance are limited and there is no guarantee that the support will be granted to all those applying. (2017)



  1. R9 Translation/Projects funding will be established each year in the budget. Funding will be awarded for translations, and for general purposes such PI, PO or other OA related projects. (2017)
  2. Application forms will be available on the R9 website. The Treasurer will send email reminders by 1st December and 1st May. (2017)
  3. These applications must be sent to the Treasurer by 1st February and 1st July of the following year. (2017)
  4. The board is authorized to make a decision on the allocation of the Translation/Projects budget by 1st March and 1st August. (2017)
  5. Translation Applications

Consideration of Translations Applications will be given by order of priority (as follows) to those Service Boards applying: (2017)

  1. that currently do not have anything translated in their language,
  2. that are interested in translating The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous. (amended 2011e)

It is required that the Service Body requesting such funds:

  1. Include in the application, a list of material that has already been translated in that language,
  2. List the amount of money received in the past from the WSO and for translation of which OA literature; and if requesting at the present any financial assistance from WSO,
  3. Make a substantive contribution to the cost and give details in the application.

Note: Literature approved by the R9 Assembly (meeting the "Guidelines for Locally Produced Literature") may be considered for Translation funding. (2017)

  1. Project Applications

It is required that the service body requesting funds for project applications:

  1. Include in that application, a list of projects undertaken in that country previously,
  2. List the amount of money received in the past from WSO and for which projects; and if requesting at the present any financial assistance from WSO,
  3. Make a substantive contribution to the cost and give details in the application (2014d).

The officers will consider the applications, decide on the allocation of the budget, notify all applying service bodies of the outcome of their applications, and make the relevant payments by April 1st and September 1st. (2017)



  1. The Financial year for Region 9 shall be 1st June to 31st May. The review of these accounts shall be completed by 31st August of the same year. (2017)
  2. The person reviewing the accounts shall be approved by the Region 9 Board. (2017)
  3. The Region 9 Treasurer shall make available to the person reviewing the accounts all records, or copies of all records relating to the Region 9 Accounts.
  4. The person reviewing the accounts shall satisfy themselves of the accuracy of the Region 9 financial records. (2017)
  5. The person reviewing the accounts shall submit a written report to the Region 9 Board.
  6. OA Region 9 Assembly shall be the Appointing Body for the OAR9 Charitable Incorporated Organization (OAR9 CIO). (2022)
  7. The OAR9 CIO is the legal entity established to provide due diligence with respect of tax laws and regulations in the United Kingdom. (2022)
  8. The OAR9 CIO shall operate solely on behalf of OA Region 9. (2022)
  1. The OAR9 Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO) holds the bank account/s. (2022)

The Region 9 Assembly 2022 allowed the transfer of the monies from the Bank account of Region 9 Nat West to a new proposed OAR9 CIO bank account.

  1. The OAR9 CIO holds the PayPal account. (2022)

The Region 9 Assembly 2022 allowed the transfer of the monies from the  OA Region 9 Pay Pal Account to the Pay Pal Account of OAR9 CIO.

  1. The Board may approve other financial products to facilitate contributions and payments. (2022)
  1. Payments will be in compliance with the OA R9 Budget as agreed by the OA R9 Assembly.
  2. Expenditure over £500 requires approval of two OA R9 Board members.
  3. Documentation will indicate compliance with the OA R9 Budget and approval of the two OA R9 Board members.
  4. All supporting documentation, including approvals and vouchers will be filed with the relevant payment documents.
  1. The OAR9 CIO Trustees will act as the 3 signatories required to manage the bank mandate for the United Kingdom based bank account as instructed by the treasurer or Region 9 Board. (2022)
  2. The R9 Board may select a ‘Special Worker’ CIO Trustee with specified skill sets determined by the board if needed. (2022)
  3. Any two signatories may make a payment provided authorization has been given in line with 6.7 (c) above. (2022)
  1. The OAR9 Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO) trustees are authorized to conduct electronic banking provided they are in compliance with the approval and authorization outlined in 6.7 c & 6.7 d.
  2. The trustees of the OAR9 CIO will make the records of the bank account/s available to the OAR9 Board in a timely manner.
  1. The region keeps adequate records to enable it to account for its income and expenditure accurately and report to the region, including: (2017)
  2. Details of income received, and expenditures with relevant authorizations for same. (2017)
  3. List of contributions to R9 by groups/service bodies. (2017)
  4. Physical or digital files of Income and Expenditure vouchers / invoices / receipts. (2017)
  1. Any member claiming payment from R9 needs to complete an expense claim form, giving details of the costs and attach any receipts or vouchers and submit this to the Treasurer for payment. (2017)
  2. Expense forms can be obtained on the R9 website or from the Treasurer. (2017)
  3. All claim forms are to be clear; where possible separate claims are to be prepared for separate costs. (2017)
  4. Budget codes are required on claim forms. (2017)
  5. The claimant submits their full claim via email to treasurer@oaregion9.org. (2017)
  6. The Treasurer will consider all claims for validity and whether they are within the budget as set by the assembly before payment.
  7. Budget amounts for each line item are set at the R9 Assembly and are not transferrable.
  8. A cheque / bank transfer will be prepared and payment made to the claimant once a claim for reimbursement is approved. (2017)
  9. Cash monies received by the region are banked in full. But at assembly, the Treasurer may use cash received for transactions pre-arranged or within the budget. (2017)
  1. R9 may have fund raising product(s) for sale. (2017)
  2. The Treasurer, along with R9 volunteers, shall investigate and purchase OA Region 9 merchandise for sale at WSBC and other OA events, to raise funds for Region 9. (2017)
  3. The Treasurer, or designee, is responsible for initiating, investigating, purchasing, distributing, and tracking inventory on R9 fund raising. (2017)
  4. The R9 Board monitors the fundraising products process. More details are found in the "R9 Best Methods" document. (2017)



  1. R9 asks that groups/service bodies support R9 financially by contributions after setting aside their own expenses and prudent reserve. (2017)
  2. The Treasurer sends out an annual reminder reminders to the R9 fellowship by September 1st each year, requesting groups and service boards to forward contributions to R9. (2017)
  3. Region 9 will send an email receipt acknowledging contributions received. (2017)
  1. It is suggested that a contribution per group/service body to WSO equals or exceeds contributions to Region 9. (2017)
  2. When sending a contribution to WSO via Region 9, a groups/service body is requested to specify the amount given that is to be sent to WSO. (2017)
  3. The Treasurer, on behalf of Region 9, will forward contributions to WSO sent to Region 9 by all groups/service bodies that specify the contribution specifically for WSO. (2017)



Committee Chairs may request from the Treasurer up to EURO 110 for miscellaneous committee expenses during the year. Committee expenses beyond this must be requested via the Budget at assembly. (2017





Region 9 domain name is OAregion9.org. Region 9 shall pay for hosting a website and the associated costs. (2016a)



Every registered Service Body within Region 9, as well as the WSO or other Regions, can submit material to place on the Region 9 website. (2008l)



The Website Coordinator will ensure that anonymity is maintained when publishing material from Service Bodies within Region 9, WSO or other Regions. (2017)



  1. Officers are encouraged to utilize their assigned generic Region 9 email for sending and receiving emails. (2016b)
  2. Electronic announcements informing our members about R9 news and other OA related items are sent out. (2017)



The Region 9 Website includes information and forms regarding: (2017)

  1. Applications to Region 9 for funding for Translations and Projects, (2017)
  2. Applications to WSO for Translations funding. (2017)




The R9 Chair, or another officer if Chair unable, will attend WSBC to represent R9 each year. (201



  1. If the Region is represented by less than forty percent of its Intergroups, up to 5 additional delegates to WSBC could be selected.
  2. Any Region 9 representative who wishes to be selected as a Region 9 Delegate to the WSBC must complete and submit a written application to the Region 9 Treasurer by no later than the day before the elections at Assembly at the end of the last session before the formal lunchtime break. (2017)
  3. Candidates are selected at the yearly Region 9 Assembly. An alternate may also be designated. 2017
  4. Candidates must comply with the qualifications for delegates in the Bylaws OA, Inc., Subpart B Article X Section 3), c), 1) in that “each delegate/alternate shall have at least one year of current abstinence and at least two years of service beyond the group level,” Additionally, in keeping with WSBC Policy Manual 1988a Section 3), Delegate candidates shall “be selected for judgement, experience, stability, willingness and for faithful adherence to living within the concepts of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Overeaters Anonymous. It is further suggested a World Service delegate be a current or past representative.
  5. The Region 9 Treasurer will provide copies of all written applications submitted to him/her to each Assembly member by email no later than the end of the business of the Assembly on the day before the elections at Assembly. (2017)
  6. All applications are to be sent to the Region 9 Treasurer.
  7. The funding of the Region 9 Delegate will depend on the availability of funds. If the funds are available the Region 9 Delegate to the WSBC will be funded according to the Policy and Procedure 1996h.
  8. Prior to selection of the delegates, the Treasurer will inform the Assembly of the funds available for this purpose.
  9. The number of delegates selected will depend on the funds available, but in any case, shall not be more than five. (2006c)
  10. The Treasurer will inform the Region 9 Assembly of candidate applications on the Friday. The Assembly will make a selection from among those having filed the Application provided they meet the requirements. If it is determined R9 is able to send more delegates than have applied, additional delegates shall be elected as per 3 above from the R9 assembly voting members which shall include R9 officers provided these candidates meet the requirements.



The delegate/s representing Region 9 as a whole will be expected to:

  1. Register for WSBC (WSBC Policy Manual 1991a Section 3 “by March 1”). Make travel and hotel arrangements in advance in consultation with the R9 Treasurer. Submit expense reimbursement forms to the Treasurer as soon as possible. Be prudent with use of R9 funds while participating as a delegate.
  2. Vote during group conscience business meetings at WSBC in a manner in keeping with WSBC Policy Manual 1988a Section 3 d) and e) which states delegates “may be instructed as to the desires of the [region].” “As participants, delegates shall not be bound by the wishes of their [region], but should not vote against these wishes unless situations arise at the Business Conference that make it necessary for the best interests of Overeaters Anonymous as a whole. “
  3. Participate in a WSBC Committee during conference and follow up committee work during the following year. A committee preference form, submitted by the delegate (by April 1 in order to be considered for committee membership – see WSBC Policy Manual 1991a Section 3) should give consideration to where other R9 delegates are serving so as to spread R9 committee participation across the various WSBC committees. If necessary, the delegate may be asked to serve on a committee other than their choice.
  4. Delegates should be willing to serve as part of the Reference Subcommittee, the Region Appeals Committee, and/or assist with R9 7th Tradition fundraisers if asked to do so.
  5. Write a report on their activities as Region Delegate and submit that report to the region representatives (and their own service body) within 45 days of close of conference. It is suggested this report be sent electronically to the R9 representatives. (2015u)





  1. The newsletter is to be produced at least once a year, after the assembly.
  2. This Region 9 Newsletter might include articles about recovery or personal experiences at OA events, and/or other features and articles relevant to the region or recovery in general. (2017)
  3. The Newsletter will be assembled by an appointed member of Region 9 who will be called the Newsletter Coordinator. (2017)
  4. The newsletter will be produced and reviewed by a member of the R9 Board, and then emailed plus posted on the Region 9 website. (2017)



Region 9 Archives contains the history of Region 9. Paper archives are held by a Region 9 member. Electronic archives are kept by the R9 Board. (2017)



Region 9 week, the first week of September, is designated to reach out to our members and the still suffering compulsive overeater. Also, in view of our geography, countries, states and language barriers within our Region to reach out to OA members who may be living in troubled or poor areas.

Section 10 Amendments to Region 9 Policies and Procedures

  1. Region 9 Policies and Procedures, may be amended by a majority of the voting body at the annual Regional Assembly provided that representatives are present from at least five different countries within Region 9. Proposed amendments should be submitted to the Region 9 Bylaws Committee at least ninety days before the Region 9 Assembly, and are to be submitted, in writing, by this committee to the Region 9 Chair at least seventy-five days before the Region 9 Assembly.
  2. Any motions submitted to the Region 9 Chair and/or Region 9 Bylaws Committee ninety (90) days or more prior to the annual Assembly, can only be submitted by the Region 9 Board, a Region 9 Service Body or a Region 9 Committee.

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