This is a list of resources available to members in the fellowship who still suffer and addressing relapse and recovery of our members.

This list has been compiled in English, with resources available as such. Region 9 has OA meetings in many countries and languages and OA approved literature and resources have been translated at different intervals in those languages. OA Region 9 suggest you use this list alongside the resources translated into your own language.


There is a lot of information available to help you. Below are some suggestion. Please use the links below to find out the latest information

Breaking out of Relapse

From Slip or Relapse to Recovery

Been Slipping and Sliding

OA Our Invitation to You

Tools of Recovery

Relapse Prevention

Strong Abstinence Checklist

Twelve Stepping a Problem

Definition of Abstinence

“WSBC 2021 accepts the following:

Abstinence is the action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is the result of living and working the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program on a daily basis.”

Whatever problem you may have with food, you are welcome at OA meetings, regardless of race, creed, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other attribute.

OA approved literature you may find useful

OA Bookstore

Working the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Steps

The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition

The Twelve-Step Workbook of Overeaters Anonymous

Twelve Step Workshop and Study Guide, Second Edition

AA Big Book

Importance of Working All 12 Steps


A New Beginning – Stories of Recovery from Relapse

Websites you may find useful

Remember to check with your Intergroup or National / Language Service Board for any additional resources for example a list of meetings

Information provided as suggestions by the Overeaters Anonymous R9 Twelve Step Within Committee Jun 2021 (Revised 2025)

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