Sponsorship is one our keys to success. Sponsors are members of the fellowship committed to abstinence and to working the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA to the best of their ability.

Can you Sponsor?
If you are abstinent and have a good working knowledge of the 12 steps of Overeaters Anonymous and have a sponsor yourself then you can sponsor others. If you would like to offer your service as a sponsor to members of OA Region 9 then please do email sponsors@oaregion9.org to be added to our Sponsor List.
Looking for a sponsor
To find a sponsor look for someone who has what you want in recovery and ask how they are achieving it. Attend a range of meetings and listen for the stories of strong recovery, get phone numbers and make outreach. If you do not find a sponsor straight away please do not be discouraged, contact sponsors@oaregion9.org for our Sponsor List.