The OA 12 step program works best where the OA literature is available in a member’s own language. OA Region 9 encourages and helps support translation of OA literature through the translation fund.
The licences for Overeaters Anonymous conference approved literature are owned by OA Inc and any translations that are made into languages other than English require a licencing agreement to be in place. In OA Region 9 we can help any national service board or language service board that wishes to make translations. We have many members who give service to the Region who have experience, strength and hope to share on the subject of Translations.
OA Inc has a two-step licencing process for translation approval
Licence 1
Licence 1 gives permission to translate a particular piece of Literature and to circulate the translation for the purpose of validating its accuracy.
Licence 2
Licence 2 gives permission to print and distribute the approved translation, and is also used to assign rights to the translated work when your OA group or service body is distributing existing translations that don’t have license agreements.
About the Glossary: the glossary of commonly used OA words and phrases is a really helpful thing to start to translate first. Many professional translators will not understand the recovery culture and terminology so if you can find someone in OA recovery who can translate the glossary for you it is a very useful thing to be able to give to a translator.
Locally Translated Literature
From time to time Literature may be produced by OA Region 9, for example workshops and pamphlets, that are not yet conference approved but are considered “locally approved” and you may translate any of this literature without licence simply by notifying the Region 9 Board.
Local Connections
Region 9 serves OA in Africa, Europe, including Russia, the Middle East, and Western Asia. OA Region 9 has a presence in more than forty countries with active service bodies, meetings, and/or OA members speaking more than forty languages.
Financial help for making translations is available from both the World Service Office and from OA Region 9. At Region 9 we have a Translations Fund which you can apply for for help with the costs of undertaking translation and printing literature in your own country. The details for how to apply for these funds are under WSO Application Form and R9 Application.
Region 9 Translations and Projects Fund
OA Region 9 has its own Translations and Projects Fund which can be applied for alongside the WSO financial help. The deadlines for applications for the OA Region 9 Translations and Projects fund are 1st February and 1st July each year. The link to the form is below and you must submit it to the Region 9 Treasurer before the deadline (the treasurers email is in the form).