Region 9 Assembly
Standing Rules
- The group conscience prevails over all motions.
- These rules take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised with which they may conflict.
- Anyone who wishes to address the assembly must be recognised by the chair.
- The only recording allowed at the Business Sessios will be by the secretary for the sole purpose of assistance with accuracy of minutes.
- Any recordings shall be retained until minutes are approved, then erased or destroyed.
- Results of the motions, amendments, elections and other votes will include the number of votes cast, and the number of yes or no votes.
- The Chair may present a Consent Agenda consisting of routine or noncontroversial matters. The chair will determine the matters that will be placed on the Consent Agenda. Any voting member may request that an item from the Consent Agenda be considered separately. The Consent Agenda shall require a two-thirds vote for adoption.
- Voting members may ask one question per report or motion (with a follow-up question if the initial response requires clarification by the chair).
- Five minutes are allotted for questions of each officer report.
- Three minutes are allotted for questions of each Committee report and service worker report.
- If a representative has additional questions, they will raise their hand again and the question can be addressed if there is sufficient time.
- Preference will be given to representatives who have not asked a question on the report or motion.
- A question on any motion or amendment will not be considered an objection. The chair will determine if the question is an objection.
- All remarks must be addressed to the chair.
- The chair will remain verbally impartial at all times.
- These Guidelines will be published on the Website.
- Discussion of motions and amendments shall be limited to one (3) minute for each speaker.
- There will be up to three pro and con speakers.
- The first speaker is the maker of the motion unless they wish to have another voting member speak on their behalf.
- Following discussion, there will be 7 minutes for questions.
- After discussion and questions, the Chair will read the wording of the motion
- The Chair then asks the Assembly to vote on the motion.
- The Chair announces the result of the vote.
- A voting member may request to add text to, substitute another motion for (as long as the substitute has the same purpose as the original motion), or remove text from a motion that someone else has made.
- The process for amending a motion will be as follows:
- The member states the amendment including what they wish to add, remove, or substitute.
- Another member seconds the motion
- The Chair will read the amendment.
- The Chair will ask if there is any objection to the amendment.
- If there is no objection, the motion is changed to include the amendment.
- If there is an objection the intergroup will follow the process in ARTICLE II.
Changes to these Guidelines can be suggested by any voting member and may be amended at any time during a meeting, requiring a second, discussion, question time and a two-thirds vote.
- Motions which have not been submitted to the Chair in accordance with the period of notification and which are considered to be of an emergency nature may be discussed and voted on at the business meeting.
- Emergency motions should be submitted in writing to the Secretary before the start of the final business session.
- In order to qualify as emergency new business, any motion must be:
- Not addressing the same issues as other motions brought to the current meeting.
- Deemed of an urgent nature so that not considering the motion immediately would be detrimental to the welfare of OA Region 9 or OA as a whole.
- The business meeting must vote with a 2/3rd majority that the motion qualifies as emergency new business.
- To be adopted, the emergency new business proposal must receive a 2/3rd majority of voting representatives.
Please Note: As required by proper parliamentary procedure, a vote will be taken at the first business meeting officially adopting these rules. A two-thirds vote is required for adoption, and amendments are in order.