Welcome to Region Assembly 2024
Held in Athens, Greece

You will find below all the resources you need for Region Assembly 2024


Deadline Dates


Read the Duties of Secretary and Apply
  • The Region 9 Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.
  • The Secretary is responsible for maintaining accurate minutes and records of all Region decisions and actions at the Assembly. The Secretary must see that the Minutes are emailed, when possible, within 45 days of the Assembly to all participants of the Assembly, unaffiliated groups in Region 9 and Service Bodies that have not sent a representative to the Assembly. Any Service Body interested can ask the Region 9 Secretary for a copy of the Minutes by email.
  • The main responsibilities of the Secretary are to distribute the Region 9 Assembly and Convention invitation, the Region 9 Assembly Binder, and minutes of all Region 9 Assemblies.
  • The Secretary also produces and distributes Region 9 Board Meeting minutes.
  • The Secretary Is responsible for ensuring that the Assembly invitation and associated necessary documents are sent to all registered service bodies and officers.
  • The Secretary is responsible for the Assembly Binder and materials (compiled by all officers) to be distributed prior to the assembly. The binder includes reports, motions and other information about the business of the assembly. The binder includes a bid form for hosting future Region 9 Assembly/Convention. (2017)
  • The Secretary will support the Chair and the Board in the management of any paid staff
  • The secretary will produce minutes of each assembly in conjunction with the Minutes Approval Committee.
    • A recording device may be used if required.
    • The Secretary is responsible to obtain copies of any information to be included with the minutes. Motions made at the assembly are given to the Secretary in writing which must include the name of the proposer and seconder.
    • The time scale for producing the minutes is short. The Secretary along with the Minutes Approval Committee send the draft to the Region 9 Chair. Once the minutes are agreed by the Secretary, Minutes Approval Committee, Chair, the minutes can be distributed.
    • The Secretary sends the minutes to all those present at the assembly. The minutes are also distributed to all registered service bodies in Region 9 by email announcement and are also posted to the website.
    • The Region 9 Minutes will contain:
      • Date/Time and place of Region 9 Assembly,
      • Names of Officers,
      • Number of representatives present
      • Record of action taken on the minutes of the previous meeting
      • The exact wording of each motion as it was voted on, and whether it passed or failed
      • The proposer and seconder of each motion
      • If the vote is counted, or balloted, the count should be included
      • Any notice given at the meeting
      • Points of order and appeals
      • Committee reports and any other reports occurring during or about the assembly
      • Revised copies of the Region 9 Bylaws and Region 9 Policy and Procedure manual.
      • Names and email addresses of all representatives at assembly are provided on the contact list sent after the assembly. Anyone not willing to have their address shared with the other attendants, should advise the secretary at the Assembly.


Read the Duties of Treasurer and Apply

The Region 9 Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.

  • The Treasurer is responsible for the finances of Region 9; and to see that the annual financial statements are mailed to all members Intergroup and National/Language Service Boards.
  • Coordinates any finance and budget matters with committees or other OA members in Region 9.

  • Prepares an annual budget for approval of the assembly.

  • Maintains records of all Income and expenses incurred by the different activities in the Region.

  • Provides an annual report of all contributions received, as well as income and expenses.

  • Maintains the Region 9 bank accounts and records of monies.

  • Liaises with the Banker, signatories, and accountant as necessary.

  • Provides quarterly financial updates to the R9 Board.

  • Support the Chair and the Board in the management of any paid staff.

  • Liaise with paid staff on matters of Finance.


Read the Duties of Communications Officer and Apply

The Region 9 Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.

  • The Communications Officer shall assist other board members and perform the duties of any board position when required.
  • The Communications Officer is responsible for announcements sent to the mailing list.
  • The Communications maintains and updates Region 9 listings.
  • The Communications Officer sends reminders of important dates to the Board.
  • The Communications Officer distributes announcements to the Region 9 fellowship, regarding OA in Region 9 and other applicable OA news or information (such as from WSO), along with information from the Officers, Trustee, Service Bodies, and other information determined of import to R9 members. (2017)
  • The Communications Officer maintains the up-to-date list (Countries and Contacts) of all R9 contacts and group representatives.
  • The Communications Officer reconciles the quarterly listings of all Intergroups and National/Language Service Boards with Region 9 listings for Board use.
  • The Communications Officer provides data for the binder showing (per the WSO listing) the Number of R9 service bodies, the number of Meetings per country in R9, and the Languages and currencies of Region 9 countries.
  • The Communications Officer works with other officers and/or volunteers to reach out to countries/service bodies not present at the assembly or in contact with Region 9.


Read the Duties of Banker and Apply

Region 9 Banker

  • Must be a member from Great Britain.

  • Receive all 7th Tradition Contributions and send receipts, copying the Treasurer.

  • Arrange payments as instructed by the Treasurer.

  • Act as a signatory for the Region 9 bank account.

  • Handle all bank-related activities in the UK.

  • Copy and forward bank statements to the Region 9 Chair and Treasurer.

  • Send monthly financial transaction lists to the Region 9 Chair and Treasurer.

  • Maintain and check monthly bank statements, forwarding them to the Treasurer and Chair.

  • Coordinate with the Treasurer and report annually in writing to the Region 9 Assembly.

  • Follow the detailed banking role as outlined in the Policies and Procedures (P&P).

  • A credit check will be performed on the elected candidate. If failed, a new Banker must be found.

  • Serve as one of the Region 9 CIO trustees.



Read the Duties of World Service Business Conference Delegate and Apply
  • The delegate/s representing Region 9 as a whole will be expected to:
    Register for World Service Business Conference.
  • Make travel and hotel arrangements in advance in consultation with the Region 9 Treasurer.
  • Submit expense reimbursement forms to the Treasurer as soon as possible.
  • Be prudent with the use of Region 9 funds while participating as a delegate.
  • Vote during group conscience business meetings at the World Service Business Conference in accordance with the World Service Business Conference Policy Manual, which states delegates “may be instructed as to the desires of the [region]. “As participants, delegates shall not be bound by the wishes of their [region], but should not vote against these wishes unless situations arise at the Business Conference that make it necessary for the best interests of Overeaters Anonymous as a whole. “
  • Participate in a World Service Business Conference Committee during the conference and follow up committee work during the following year. A committee preference form submitted by the delegate should consider where other Region 9 delegates are serving so as to spread Region 9 committee participation across the various World Service Business Conference committees. If necessary, the delegate may be asked to serve on a committee other than their choice.
  • Delegates should be willing to serve as part of the Reference Subcommittee, the Region Appeals Committee, and/or assist with Region 9 7th Tradition fundraisers if asked to do so.
  • Write a report on their activities as Region Delegate and submit that report to the region representatives (and their own service body) within 45 days of the close of the conference. It is suggested this report be sent electronically to the Region 9 representatives.


Assembly Documents Set 2 – Due August 30th 2024 (Documents will be added as soon as they are available)
  • Agenda for Assembly
  • Minutes of the Previous Assembly
  • Budget
  • Board Officer, Committee, Service Coordinator and CIO Report 
  • Applications for Trustee
  • Applications for Open Board Positions and Blank Application Form
  • Bylaw Motions and Current Bylaws
  • Policy Motions and Current Policy Manual
  • New Business Motions 
  • Bids to Host Assembly in the Future
Assembly Key Information


GDPR Privacy Notice


Vital Link and Frequently Asked Questions
Affiliation and Partication Flow Chart
Files in translation
Information on Region 9 Groups and Service Bodies
Region Map
Hosting Guidelines and Possible Future Dates
Service Body Eligibility for Region Assembly
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