Region 9 Assembly

Assembly Key Infomation



As Region 9 Representatives to assembly, you will be:


Your ideas, questions and participation are vital to recovery in Region 9 whether you are a “seasoned” representative or a “Green Dot.” 




According to our Policies and Procedures Manual, each odd year the assembly will determine which committees will be used for the following two years to accomplish the goals and recurring tasks. 

Representatives and non-representatives may serve on committees.

Committee Chairs are elected at assembly for a two-year term.


This year we will not be selecting new committees. 

The Committees that we currently have are:

The purpose of this committee is to educate members on the OA service structure, the Traditions and the Concepts of Service. 

The purpose of this committee is to oversee the revision of our Bylaws and Policies and Procedures together with the bylaws coordinator, to optimize our use of technology in order to improve our communications and translations, to support the creation of the CIO and to support service bodies with their bylaws. 

The purpose of this committee is to reach out to all groups and service bodies that are affiliated to our region, encourage them to participate in the region’s activities and support them wherever they need. 

Τhis service work within Region 9 Committees depends on the interest and willingness of the Region 9 reps and visitors. These are YOUR committees and your ideas about what goals we set for Region 9.


So, please bring your ideas for goals to Region 9 and volunteer to serve as a member of one of the above committees. 





Along with the three Region 9 Committees, we continue to use volunteers from Region 9 to cover needed service areas. Service Coordinators work under the R9 Board and/or our Region 9 Committees. This year we will confirm existing Service Coordinators positions and create new ones if the Assembly deems it necessary. 

These service positions are vital for our Region 9 structure in addressing goals and tasks to help Region 9 carry the message.    


These positions can be filled by R9 Reps or by other fellows in Region 9.   Please consider if you – or someone in your service body – would like to serve Region 9 as:    

Newsletter Coordinator 

Bylaws Coordinator

Website Coordinator 

Sponsor List Coordinators 

Welcome Letter Coordinator


More volunteers helping with these positions are always helpful. 

For questions or to express interest in these positions, please contact the R9 Chair (  




We will be holding elections for:


Please consider serving in one of the above service positions.


* If you wish to apply for the WSBC Delegate service position, you must complete and submit a written application by no later than the day before the elections at Assembly at the end of the last session before the formal lunchtime break. 


Each candidate for the Region 9 Board shall have at least one year of current abstinence and at least two years of service beyond group level at the time of the election. 


To be eligible for election members have to be present at the Assembly either face to face or virtual. 

Only for the Banker position, the member does not have to be present at the Assembly, but it would be helpful if they could attend at least virtually. 




This year we will be considering several business motions and proposals.  


Our Bylaws Coordinator with the help of the Nuts and Bolts Committee and our Board have worked hard during the year in an attempt to improve and revise our bylaws and policies and procedures and bring many important motions to our Assembly. This is the beginning of a project that started this year and hopefully will be completed during next year. 


Together with the motions that we have received from our various service bodies, there are many motions for you to read carefully. You can find them on our website under “Assembly Documents – Set 2”. 


Please contact the Chair if you have any questions.    




We will hold several workshops this year covering topics including Service, Translations and more. The workshops will be listed in the agenda and Representatives are expected to participate in them.  Visitors are welcome at those workshops.  


I look forward to serving with you at the Region 9 Assembly and hope that we will have a calm and productive assembly. My wish is that you each find that this experience enhances your recovery.  




The three days of the assembly (for some representatives in person and for some on zoom) may seem intense, but we can assure you that they are equally rewarding. 

In between our meetings there will be opportunities to get to know one another and fellowship or recovery meetings, for both face-to-face and virtual attendees. 


Green Dots:  Green dots are service body representatives at assembly for the first time.  Each “green dot” will be assigned to a more experienced representative – a mentor – who will assist them.   (More information on this will come to you via email before assembly.)   


Vital Link:  PLEASE Read the “Vital Link” document as it will address many of your questions about assembly and your duties there.


Assembly Material:  This is your assembly packet. We’ve tried to include everything you will need here. Sometimes we send corrections or additions later, so check your email daily. 

Take your time but review all the material carefully before Assembly starts.  Make notes where things are unclear or you have questions. 

If you are a green dot – talk to your mentor about what you need to “print”, keeping in mind that you may find it easier to refer to a printed version of a document while interacting on screen with Zoom. 


Business Discussions: We are all passionate about OA, but we don’t all have the same opinions and views. At times, debate can get passionate as we decide what’s best for Region 9. The Region 9 Board and our Parliamentarian will do its best to answer questions, keep us on track, and move through our agenda items timely. Anyone can ask for the “serenity prayer” to be said if needed.  Please don’t forget that we are all trying to do our best. 


Motions: Please review the “motions” section carefully. 

This year we are going to discuss many motions, so please come prepared. 

We will be having a virtual orientation meeting on the 20th October 2024. We strongly advise you to attend this meeting, because we will go through the motions, explain them and answer questions. 


OA Meetings:  There will be OA meetings during the assembly days. Details will be given at the beginning of the assembly. Your recovery comes first here as always. Ask for help or support if you need it.


Other Purposes of Assembly:    


Assembly Evaluation:  We welcome feedback and look for ways to improve the experience for all of us in Region 9. 


Service Opportunities:  Elections will be held for officer positions and for other Region 9 Service positions. Please consider how you may be of service to Region 9 this coming year. The assembly is only three days, but our efforts to carry the message of recovery in Region 9 continue throughout the year.  


Bringing the Message Home: Keep in mind reporting back to your service body the activities, details of workshops, and business proceedings as you experience the assembly.  


Thank you for being at assembly, for giving service, and representing your service body.  If you have questions or concerns prior to attending the assembly – please contact your assigned mentor or a Region 9 officer.  




Basic Principles Include:













1. Make the Motion (“I move that…”)

2. Second the Motion (a seconder need not rise or address the chair)

3. Chair states the motion

4. Chair calls for debate and questions

5. Chair puts the question to a vote

6. Chair announces the results.


The ‘Rules’

Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. – may interrupt only if necessary!

Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion – to accomplish a desired result.

Request for Information: Ask a question.  If the Chair feels that the question is actually debate (i.e. Asking “Is it not true…” followed by a statement is probably not a question), they may choose not to answer.

Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules).

Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made.

Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly.

Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (each must be able to stand on their own).

Consider by Paragraph (’in Seriatim’): Adoption of multiple similar motions (or a single, highly complex motion) may be considered at the same time.  Adoption is held until all parts of the motions are debated and amended. 

Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions. 

Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor.

Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).

Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time.

Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time.

Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed.

Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated.

Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending.

Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously “laid on the table.”

Reconsider: Can be made only by a member who voted on the prevailing side of a question who has changed position or view.

Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session – exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session.

Previous Question: Closes debate if successful – may be moved to “Close Debate” if preferred.

Informal Consideration: When the assembly goes into a “Committee of the Whole,” a (possibly time-limited) discussion [chaired by someone other than the assembly Chair] is held.  All votes if taken during an informal consideration are considered recommendations.  NOTE: Robert’s Rules of Order prohibits straw polls calling them “meaningless and dilatory” as they neither adopt nor reject a measure (RONR 11th ed. p 429). 

Appeal from the Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide – must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business.  

Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly’s own rules (except Bylaws); the object of the suspension must be specified.


Parliamentary ‘Tips,’ or What to Do & Why

The following summary will help determine when to use the actions described in Robert’s Rules.


Bylaws /  Policy  /  Parliamentary Procedure  /  Standing Rules

Bylaws, which include the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts, take precedence over all other rules of the assembly. They describe things such as who can vote at an Assembly and Roles (e.g. officers), how often meetings are held, etc.


Policy discusses how bylaws are to be implemented and practiced. They include things such as Officer Duties, financial practices, Committee responsibilities, etc.


Standing Rules limit the practice of Parliamentary Law with regards to the Assembly being held. They speak to items such as limiting debate, election procedures, etc. 


Parliamentary Procedure provides the Assembly with rules so that the business of an Assembly can be processed effectively and efficiently and more than anything else, fairly. 


Parliamentary information is based on the contents of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (11th edition) [RONR] and Region 9 Bylaws, Policies & Procedures and Standing Rules.

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