2024 Deadline Dates

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2024 Tentative Conference Schedule

63rd Annual World Service Business Conference
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
May 6-11, 2024
Theme: We ALL Belong: Welcome to OA!
All meetings are in mountain time.

Revised April 1, 2024


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  1. OA meetings will be held in Coronado. The same room is available for meditation each day, unless in use for an OA meeting or other designated meeting.
  2. An impromptu meeting room is available Wednesday through Saturday. Delegates who wish to use this room must reserve it at the OA registration desk. Please note this space is very limited during the week.
  3. The Boutique will be open daily, beginning on Wednesday, May 8, in Rio Grande. Items in the Boutique are the responsibility of the contributing service body. If you are interested in displaying items in the Boutique, you must sign a release form at the Conference Support Committee desk. The Boutique’s hours will match the hours of the Conference Support Committee desk; hours may be adjusted at the discretion of the Conference Support Committee chair.
  4. On Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7, a grocery shuttle will be provided to take attendees to Smith’s/Walmart. Delegates must sign up for the shuttle as seating is limited. Please refer to the agenda for specific times and details.
  5. Breakfast is included in the guestroom rate for up to two people. Additional guests can purchase tickets (US$10 per day, per person) in the hotel restaurant.
  6. From Wednesday, May 8 through Saturday, May 11, the hotel will offer an OA-friendly lunch buffet for US$20 per day, per person. This includes the buffet, beverage, tax, and gratuity. Tickets can be purchased in the hotel restaurant. We encourage you to purchase ticket(s) early rather than at lunch.
Important Delegate Information

March 22, 2024

Dear Delegate,

It is with pleasure that we welcome you as a delegate to OA’s 2024 World Service Business Conference (WSBC). Your participation in the group conscience of Overeaters Anonymous is important. Please keep in mind the decisions made by you and the other delegates at this WSBC will affect OA for years to come.

About the Conference

During the business meetings, you and other delegates will discuss and vote on proposed New Business Motions and Bylaw Amendments. You will hear brief speeches from and ask questions of trustee candidates. Decisions must be made as to the suitability of candidates to serve as trustee. There are six trustee nominees and ten open trustee positions. Any vacancies will be announced at Conference and the Board of Trustees will determine if those positions should be filled.

You will have an opportunity to ask questions about reports from officers, regions, and committees; participate in business meetings; and hear important presentations about OA. Please carefully review the Conference agenda under Frequently Used Documents on the Conference web page. It provides detailed information about each business meeting and the various committee meetings, presentations, workshops, and events for delegates.

Motions and Pertinent Material

Included on the Conference web page are the trustee applications and other information regarding delegate arrangements. The current Bylaws of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., Subparts A and B, and the current Business Conference Policy Manual listing all the continuing effects motions adopted by past Business Conferences are available under Frequently Used Documents. It is important you carefully read all these materials.

Based on the results of the Agenda Questionnaire provided to all intergroups/service boards, New Business Motions A-E and Bylaw Amendments 1-16 will be placed on the agenda and will be discussed at WSBC. The final Agenda Questionnaire results are available on the Conference web page.

At registration each delegate receives a Delegate Binder which contains the Conference schedule; general information; reports from all regions and all committees; reports from the chair of the Board of Trustees, the treasurer, and the managing director; proposed New Business Motions and Bylaw Amendments; and the trustee applications. It is important for you to read the Binder material thoroughly prior to your attendance at the first business meeting. The Binder will be available on the Conference web page in early April. Delegates will be notified via email when it is available.


When you register you will receive your delegate credentials (your name badge with delegate designation). You must wear this badge to every meeting. It shows you are eligible to vote during the business meetings. If, for any reason, you relinquish your position as delegate to an alternate, please check in with the OA registration desk for proper transfer of credentials.

Delegate Arrangements

Delegates are expected to serve on a committee. If you have signed up to serve on a Conference committee, your committee assignment should be emailed to you by the delegate cochair about two weeks prior to Conference; otherwise, you will receive your assignment at Conference. If you did not sign up for  committee, you may add yourself to any committee that has available space by signing up at the Conference Support Committee desk after you have picked up your registration materials at the OA registration desk.

Note: The Conference-Approved Literature Committee is a closed committee.

If you sign up for the banquet prior to Conference, a dinner ticket will be included in your registration packet. Additional dinner tickets can be purchased at the OA registration desk and will be available from Monday to Wednesday at noon. Delegates attend the dinner/dance at no charge. Guest tickets are US$50.

If you have questions, please contact Sandy Zimmerman (szimmerman@oa.org) at the World Service Office. She will be delighted to assist you. We look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque.


OA World Service Office Staff

Conference Planning Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

World Service Business Conference 2024 Things to Know

A MEET THE MAKER session will be held PRIOR to Conference on Saturday, April 27 at 1 p.m. mountain. This session will allow delegates time to ask questions of the members who submitted New Business Motions and Bylaw Amendments for consideration by the Conference and create an opportunity for discussion and possible consensus among the delegates. Details will be emailed to all registered delegates in early April.

The daily BREAKFAST BUFFET is included in the room rate for two guests. Tickets will be given to guests at check-in. Additional guests must purchase breakfast buffet tickets at the hotel restaurant for US$10 per day. Please let the restaurant know you are with the OA group to receive the $10 rate.

PYRAMID 51 RESTAURANT, the hotel’s restaurant, is open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday/Sunday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.). The bar is open daily from 11 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. In-room dining is available the same days and times as the restaurant. Snacks and beverages are available for purchase twenty-four hours a day at the front desk.

GROCERY SHUTTLES will run on Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7. Please refer to the Conference agenda for times and locations. YOU MUST RSVP for the grocery shuttle. Please contact Znona Fern at 505-891-2664 or zfern@oa.org to reserve your spot.

DINNER SHUTTLES will not be available this year. The hotel restaurant is open for dinner. Delegates can also order a ride share to travel to local restaurants in the area. Local restaurant information will be available onsite.

LUNCH BUFFET tickets must be purchased at the hotel restaurant. It is recommended delegates stop by the restaurant early in the week to purchase tickets. Individual tickets can be purchased daily or multiple daily tickets can be purchased at once. The lunch buffet will be from Wednesday, May 8 to Saturday, May 11. Tickets can be purchased for US$20 (includes buffet, beverage, tax, and gratuity).

The ALL ABOUT CONFERENCE workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in Las Cruces/Taos and will include information on parliamentary procedure. Delegates are encouraged to review the All About Conference slideshow presentation. An email notification will be sent to all registered delegates with details of where to find the presentation. Expected posting is early April.

The DELEGATE BINDER will be available online in early April for your review. A notification will be emailed. All registered delegates will also receive a printed Binder at Conference.

The 2023 CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT will be available for your review in mid-April. An email notification will be sent all registered delegates with details of where to find the report.

A BOUTIQUE will be available beginning on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:30 a.m. If you choose to sell merchandise at Conference, below are the guidelines to follow.

  • All sales must be made by and for OA service bodies.
  • Each sale item must be approved by group conscience.
  • Sales at Conference should be conducted in such a manner so as not to divert or distract from our primary purpose to carry the message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.
  • Please be ever mindful of our Traditions which warn against endorsement of outside enterprises.

Stop by the Conference Support Committee desk to sign a waiver to place items in the Boutique.

A LUNCH AND LEARN is scheduled for Friday, May 10 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Gallery. This is an opportunity for delegates to hear from some trustees about their experience, strength, and hope related to the service they have given and what they have received in return; how their lives have been changed; the expectations they had; and the concerns they had prior to their candidacy. They will also answer questions from delegates.

A SEVENTH TRADITION collection will take place at Friday morning’s business meeting ONLY. Delegates and volunteers will be reminded several times at the Thursday business meetings. The collection will go into the general fund.

ALBUQUERQUE is approximately 5,300 feet above sea level. It is recommended that you drink plenty of water, moisturize your skin regularly, and wear protective gear (hat, jacket, sun block) when outside as sun exposure is higher in our beautiful city.

Agenda Questionnaire Results

WSBC 2024
Questionaire FINAL Results
Total Responding: 125

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Trustee Application - Cindy C

NAME: Cindy C

LOCATION: Washington State, United States of America






Secretary, Las Vegas Intergroup 1986-1988

Secretary, Greater Seattle Intergroup 2013-2015

Delegate to WSBC 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 (Greater Seattle Intergroup)

WSBC Green dot mentor 2018, 2019

Member, Conference Approved Literature Committee (WSBC) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Subcommittee Chair, Conference Approved Literature Committee 2018, 2019

Greater Seattle Intergroup Representative to Region One Assembly 2016 & 2017

Co-Chair Region One Convention - Seattle 2017

Member-at-Large, Region One 2017-2018

Secretary, Region One 2018-2020

Chair, Region One Feb 2020-Nov 2021

Region Chairs Committee 2020-2021

Appointed Trustee June, 2023 (Co-Chair PIPO conference committee; Chair Public Awareness/Professional
Tradeshows Committee, member of the Executive Committee)


Twenty years in the software industry in administrative and project coordination roles

Seven years professional and volunteer experience for nonprofits, including fund raising, recruiting and human resources work

Technology proficiency; I'm not afraid to try new tools and online processes to make the work I and others do more efficient


My journey in recovery and service seems to have led naturally to this opportunity although it never occurred to me until someone suggested it. When I retired in 2010 I was able to step back into service at the intergroup level and the path seemed to unfold before me. Currently, I have the time and energy to devote to service as a trustee.

I relish the opportunity to serve as a guardian of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA and to be a conduit of resources, ideas and inspiration between Worls Service Office, the regions and the worldwide fellowship. In the last year, I have been increasingly focused on our unity with diversity policy and the inclusivity in OA. Whenever I am asked to speak, I emphasize that OA is "roomy" i.e. there is room for different views on food plans and concepts of a higher power, and that is why I stay. I hope to continue to share that message in service at the world service level.

As I serve in these early months as trustee appointed by the Board of Trustees, I am motivated to "keep it simple" even at this level of service, and build connections between the World Service Office and the fellowship, tapping into the great service work already done within our regions. Through PIPO and Public Awareness, I want to make sure the work is focused on reaching those who still suffer outside the fellowship.


I came into the program as a young person (age 22) in 1983. As a bulimic (laxative user, excessive exerciser, restrictor), I had no idea what was wrong with me, and I couldn't stop the behaviors. It seemed that the harder I tried the more I failed. What a revelation it was to grasp that it was about surrender and learning I didn't have to be responsible for the results; I had only to show up and do the footwork. My physical recovery has been less about weight loss and more about weight maintenance, health and bringing my mind in line with my body. My focus stays on maintaining a healthy body weight while making peace with an aging body and metabolism.

In those early days those who appeared to be a fairly normal weight were not always welcomed warmly into the fellowship. It's been wonderful to see room made in the last 10-15 years for all kinds of eating disorders, including compulsive overeating. Because of that experience, I believe I've become more open to the diversity of eating behaviors and experiences in our fellowship.

The program was a lifeline for me when, two weeks after getting married, this sheltered Seattle girl moved to Las Vegas. I connected with meetings right away, and worked all twelve steps in a disciplined manner with a wonderful sponsor who was also very much involved in service. I had the time to go to many meetings in Las Vegas and developed a strong spiritual life. After four years there, my husband and I moved back to Seattle and started a family. OA and my higher power were there for me when I had my first child and I was sure I could never grasp this "mother thing. OA friends who helped me through that time continue to be in my close circle of OA friends today.

Since then I have worked a twelve-step program imperfectly, but I am forever changed to the core of my being. Prior to OA I had no hope that I could ever live a life of "sane and happy usefulness" but with OA, most of the time I do live that life. To solve problems without food, walk through feelings to the other side (fear always the biggest feeling), still feels miraculous. The most important relationship in my life is the one I have with my higher power, who does for me what I cannot do for myself. I check in every morning, and we talk many times during the day. The twelve steps have been the greatest gift I've ever received.

Trustee Application - Robert "Bob" F

NAME: Robert "Bob" F

LOCATION: Ontario, Canada






Meeting secretary, treasurer, intergroup representative.

Intergroup chair, vice chair, WSBC delegate Region 6 representative, Convention chair, Bylaws Committee

Region 6 vice chair, Bylaws Committee chair, substitute parliamentarian, center microphone monitor, Reference
Subcommittee appointee.

Parliamentarian for several Region 9 assemblies and for OAGB (OA Great Britain).

Region 6 Trustee - 1997 to 2003

General Service Trustee - 2005 to 2011 and 2013 to 2015

Region 9 Trustee appointment - 2017 to 2018

Trustee appointment - 2023 to 2024 - Currently Region 10 Trustee Liaison

Board of Trustees chair, 1st vice chair, 2nd vice chair, treasurer

Delegate co-chair and Trustee co-chair of the WSBC Bylaws Committee

Trustee chair of the Reference Subcommittee


I worked for the Federal Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario for over 43 years. I managed, supervised, wrote policy, administered employment services contracts, reviewed education/training grant applications, sat on diversity committees, took courses in conflict resolution, diversity and inclusion, Human Rights Codes of Canada and Ontario, disability and accommodation legislative requirements, privacy and confidentiality. I retired officially at the end of October 2016.

I was the president of the largest non-profit housing cooperative in Ontario (771 units). I stepped down September 14, 2023. In the greater non-profit housing sector I was president, vice president and treasurer of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Ontario. There are over 150 member co-ops.

During the last five elections in my electoral district, I managed recruiting of poll workers. Each election required over 500 poll workers. Part of my mandate was to ensure staffing reflected the multi-cultural make-up of the community.

I'm a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians. For two years I was the secretary of the Ontario Association of Parliamentarians.

I have a working knowledge of French. My ability to read and write far surpasses my conversational skills.

In my spare time I sang and/or acted in a variety of musicals and plays, directed, produced, wrote comedy material.


I hesitated before I applied for the appointment after WSBC 2023. I thought about what I've done and the frequency of my being on the Board of Trustees since 1997. I spoke with several people in and out of the Fellowship. I was not involved in Region 6 for twenty years. I was not at WSBC for three years. I did Center Microphone Monitor for the next two years. I was appointed to one of the Trustee vacancies and then asked to step in and be Trustee Liaison to Region 10. The appointment ends at WSBC 2024.

I am very aware of rotation of service. I am also disinclined to ignore experience which could be of value. One of the Step 9 promises is not forgetting the past nor wishing to shut the door on it. I try to be of maximum use to others. Whatever form that takes.

I have the background and training to fully participate on the Board of Trustees and would welcome the opportunity to continue to do service as a Trustee if that is what is meant to be.


When I went to my first meeting on December 27, 1982, I didn't feel I belonged. I had spent virtually all of my life feeling like an outsider. What kept me from leaving that first meeting was that my sister was (and is) in OA. I went to the meeting with her and I was her ride home. The attraction was that I might lose weight and at least equal her 100 lb weight loss. I had tried many diets and used amphetamines. I still managed to get to 336 lbs+. I went to nutritionists, dieticians, a therapist, and several well meaning physicians. Nothing worked. The day after the first meeting I decided to stop snacking. I lost 140 lbs the first year. Exercise and laxatives took the place of snacks. Eighteen months after that first meeting I started to snack again and continued to use exercise and laxatives. I gained 40 lbs. I had been using the program as a diet club. Sometime between Christmas and New Years of 1985 I had my last binge (not sure of the exact date). I had a glimmer of a spiritual awakening. I went to meetings with a different purpose and outlook. Throughout the first three years I never stopped going to meetings or doing service. After that last binge I became a more willing sponsee and a better sponsor. I worked the Steps. Still do. Not always well but I try. The bulimia receded and my thoughts developed a modicum of sanity and clarity. It took about six months to lose the weight I gained. My spiritual belief structure was challenged. I learned there is a difference between religion and spirituality. One of the gifts is that my weight has been quite stable for nearly three decades. My physical and emotional recovery is in direct proportion to my spiritual awareness and clarity. A work in progress.

Trustee Application - Emilia I

NAME: Emilia I

LOCATION: Rome, Italy

YEARS IN OA: 9 years and 5 months





Jun 2014/Feb 2015: Home Group Literature

Oct 2014/Jul 2015: Group Treasurer

Oct 2014/Apr 2017: Operational Manager of OA ITALY Web site.

Feb 2015/Apr 2018: Local Intergroup Representative of the Home Group

Sep 2015/May 2017: Volunteering in the Local Intergroup PI Committee

Sep 2016/Mar 2017: Group Treasurer

Mar 2016/Sep 2017: Group Secretary

April 2017/today: Chair of the Translation Committee for not protected by Copyright Material

September 2017/April 2018: Group Literature

Apr 2018/today: ITALIAN National Service Board Representative R9 and Delegate WSBC

April 2018/April 2022: Member in charge to be in contact with World Service offices for info, procedures/logo approval requests, copyrights procedures, and any other matter of service

Sep 2018: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Representative at 2018 R9 Assembly

Sep 2018/Sep 2019: Member of the Region 9 Twelfth Step Within Committee

May 2019: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Delegate at 2019 WSBC

Sep 2019: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Representative at 2019 Region 9 Assembly

Sep 2019/Oct 2020: Member of the Region 9 Translation Committee

May 2019/Apr 2020: Member of the WSBC Twelfth Step Within Committee

Apr 2020: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Delegate at 2020 WSBC

Apr 2020/Apr 2021: Member of the Bylaws Committee – (KISS Subcommittee)

Oct 2020: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Representative at 2020 Region 9 Assembly

Oct 2020/Oct 20221: Chair of the Region 9 Twelfth Step Within Committee

Apr 2021: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Delegate at 2021 WSBC

Apr 2021: Member of Reference Subcommittee during 2021 WSBC

Apr 2020/April 2021: Member of the Bylaws Committee – (Chair of Pretty as a picture Subcommittee)

Oct 2021: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Rep at 2021 Region 9 Assembly

Oct 2021/April 2022: Chair of the Region 9 Twelfth Step Within Committee

Apr 2022: Attendance as ITALIAN National Service Board Delegate at 2021 WSBC

Apr 2022/now: Trustee Liaison to Region 9


I have a university degree in Languages and Literature (English and Spanish). I have a Master in Communication, focusing on communication barriers, and another in Counseling. In 2021-2022 I studied Mindset and in 2022 I got the professional certification of Life Coach.

I speak English and Spanish and have a basic knowledge of French.

I have a good knowledge of computer science, IT tools, and social media strategy. I have good practical and organizational skills and a natural tendency to listen.

I have done different jobs that led me to experience changes and shifts in my personal life: I am used to changes, challenges, and new tasks.

I'm still working. I'm a digital entrepreneur who uses social media as a useful tool.

Experienced in problem-solving and conflict management. Skilled in developing and implementing standardized policies and procedures. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

I am also a dynamic and reflective individual. I'm passionate and full of enthusiasm, vitality, and joy. I'm used to working towards goals and very focused when it comes to achieving them.

With the service, I have also developed good negotiation skills which have also been achieved through my work experience.


When I decided to apply for Trustee, I did not know exactly what or how much service I would encounter along the way. I had heard the call to this position of service, and so I shared it more than once with my sponsor, and with many other OA members older than me in service. I consulted with current and former Trustees to get the information I needed to make the best choice for me. I was told many things, but the uncertainty remained. Finally, I trusted my HP and felt it was my time to apply. After two years of service, I can say that I have had an exciting time, putting myself out there and carrying on this service with energy and serenity, trying to do the good for OA-as-a-whole. I have grown and am much more aware than before. It was two years of orientation. Now, in my second term, I know I can give more: because in addition to giving, I receive so much in recovery. One person said that being a Trustee is just service and does not include carrying the message. I firmly believe that this is not for me. For me, this service also means carrying the message outside and inside OA and at all levels. I am grateful for that.


I joined OA to lose weight. And so, I did. But I found something much greater than weight loss, and I learned much more about myself and things I didn't know. After almost a year of attending meetings and using recovery tools, I found abstinence from those compulsive foods and behaviors, and that allowed me to lose those famous 20 kilos. A few years ago, I went through menopause, and thanks to the program I have always been abstinent, but by making myself gain 5 kilos. I have never lost hope and thanks to the constant work with nutritionists and sponsors, I have found a diet that is good for me and for my body and that allows me to stay healthy, to lose those 5 kilos, not be restricted and to have respect for my body. This is changing. It's changing every day. Now I'm maintaining a healthy body weight, always under medical supervision. I have also begun to treat my body as a precious temple, so I choose carefully what I eat and prepare my meals with love. I have also committed to going to the gym several times a week. Accepting my body image has been an important part of my recovery. Whereas before I had the kilos to hide from stares or to use as armor, now I love my body in all its imperfections and do my best to respect it.

Thanks to working the Steps, the first thing I have learned was to be honest with myself and accept that I am not the woman I thought I was . I have learned what love means to me. I have had a lot of love to give in my life, but I have done it the wrong way and many relationships with friends or partners have ended badly. Now I'm learning how to give the love that I feel inside: thanks to OA, thanks to the principles of OA that I live one day at a time. I share love with everyone, but I haven't met anyone with whom I can have a healthy romantic relationship, and I'm not sad or upset about it. I have accepted all of this because I know that my Higher Power has given me the opportunity to love the whole world. Whereas before I tried to divide people because of jealousy and resentment, now I try to unite people. I see and invite people to understand each other with love and understanding. I have worked and am still working on my shortcomings and have learned to ask for help from other people in and out of OA.

Every morning I wake up and ask myself what I can do for my recovery today. I start with gratitude and I'm really happy to be alive and healthy, I read my daily reading. Then I do my meditation and I know that my Higher Power is always with me. Before I came to OA, I used to get very anxious when I had to find a solution to a problem. Now I know that my Higher Power will guide me to the best solution for me, which is sometimes not the one I want. I'm used to sitting, breathing, and waiting: that's my Step Eleven! And it works! Before I go to bed, I do Step Ten. An OA old-timer uses to call me a "miracle", and I think it's true. OA has given me my life back, and I am grateful. At the first National Convention, I attended (it was 2014), I wore a T-shirt that said, "Those who are satisfied die," and I still wear that now faded T-shirt because I know it was true: I was content with a life I did not feel was mine. Now I finally feel alive.

Trustee Application - Cyndy L

NAME: Cyndy L

LOCATION: Missouri, United States of America

YEARS IN OA: 33 + 5 months





I have participated in service at every level of OA.

Meetings: 1990 until present as needed, set up, put away, carry literature, speaker, treasurer, event committees, leader, recently added tech support and security.

Intergroup: 1991 until 2006 and from 2020 to present; Intergroup Rep, Committee member and then Committee Chair; Convention, Bylaws and Retreat (favorite committee; Convention), Region Rep and World Service Delegate, Intergroup Vice-Chair and Chair. Volunteer Office Manager/bookkeeper 2010-2013

Region: 1993-94 and from 2003 until 2012; Region Rep, Committee member and then Committee chair; Ways and Means/Finance, Outreach, Convention, Treasurer 2003-2007, Region Chair 2008-2012, currently Region 4 Vice-Chair

World Service: 2002-until present; Delegate 2002-2007 and from 2020 to present; Committee service Web Tech Committee, the Region Chairs Committee, Bylaws Committee as Delegate co-chair and as Trustee co chair, while serving as Trustee. Board of Trustee Committees; BOT Bylaws, Internal Information Committee (Lifeline), Convention Planning, Conference Planning, Website redesign (x2), Board Approved Literature, Board Reference Manual Review, Served as Second Vice-Chair, Chair and Treasurer


The culmination of my business experience prepared me for my service in OA. I worked in three different companies over the years. Beginning as a civil service commissary checker in 1976, I progressed through the system to Assistant Housing Manager. When I lived to St. Louis in 1985, I accepted an administrative position in corporate America ordering phone circuits. I advanced to Manager of the Order Processing Department and eventually resigned in April 1999 to open a small photography business from which I retired in 2010. My recovery in OA helped me make the decisions to follow my heart rather than my head, but my business skills were well developed along the way.


Having already served as a trustee, I am aware of the workload and the variety of skills needed. My most recent service to the Virtual Region has taught me about communication methods and the amazing changes that are happening in OA and how the fellowship is finding new ways to connect. All of this is important to the decisions that are being made on the future of our fellowship, without forgetting our basic commitment to carrying the message of recovery and working within the Traditions and Concepts to achieve that purpose. It's all about connection and support.


After 33 years it is difficult to remember the misery of the disease. I know I was lonely, self-obsessed, hated myself for my lack of willpower. Food controlled my mind and actions. Coming into OA at 203 pounds was scary but at my first meeting I felt there was a reason I was there. Over the years I was encouraged to participate, giving up the obsession for food and replacing it with living the twelve-step way of life. For me personally, sitting on the sidelines was never an option. I have found so much joy in the fellowship that giving back came naturally. Of course there were times I was discouraged or afraid, but there was always someone to share that with. My sponsor and other OA friends encouraged me to try and HP gave me the willingness. That combination has led me through the years with a strong belief that I matter, that I'm here to be one of, that I'm blessed to be able to serve. My physical, emotional and spiritual growth has taken me on an amazing journey over the years. All of which has led me to be Happy, Joyous and Free.

Trustee Application - Susan Estyll M

NAME: Susan Estyll M

LOCATION: New South Wales, Australia 






Group level - chair meetings, secretary, treasurer, intergroup rep, zoom host

Intergroup level - I have served on Sydney Intergroup for approximately 10 years as Secretary, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Intergroup rep and Region 10 Rep. I have facilitated various workshops for Sydney Intergroup such as Relapse & Recovery and a Big Book study.

Region level - I served on the Public Information/Professional Outreach committee for two years. In 2019 I took on the role of Region 10 Treasurer and then in 2021 stepped up to be Region 10 Chair. In my role as chair I answer various email enquiries, forward information from World Service Office to service bodies and region reps, prepare the agenda and chair the board meetings, chair the annual Assembly, have regular catchup meetings with board members, attend committee meetings, intergroups and other meetings such as regular contact with the Japan National Service Board. I provided assistance to the 2023 Sydney Assembly & Convention Committee. I am also serving on the Region Chairs Committee and the Board of Trustees AdHoc Committee on Region Realignment.

WSBC - I have attended 3 conferences in 2021, 2022, 2023. I served on the Reference sub committee in 2021 and consequently on the ByLaws Committee until I became the Region Chair and joined the Region Chairs Committee.


In my professional life, I worked in the insurance industry for 42 years both in underwriting and as an insurance broker. I dealt with the chief financial officers of multinational corporations. Towards the end of my career I managed part of the administration side of the overseas operations of an insurance company having contact with people in countries such as China, Thailand and India.

My job involved attention to detail, proofreading, team leadership, creating and implementing training of staff both in groups and one to one, working with people, conflict resolution, compiling data and accuracy with numbers.

I'm comfortable with writing reports and know how important it is to meet deadlines.


I am so grateful for the miracles of transformation that have occurred in my life and I want others to experience the same.

I am committed to our primary purpose and passionate about spreading the message to as many compulsive eaters worldwide as possible.

I would like to expand my knowledge of the global fellowship, learn new skills and foster connections with OA members in many other countries. I have already learnt a lot in my role as region chair and I know that there's so much more to learn and experience.

I would have been happy to continue as region chair for another term however I realised that we needed to have a trustee who lives in the region to bring local knowledge and experience to the board.


I first came across 12 step recovery in 1983 when I was married to an alcoholic. The AA member came to pick up my husband to take him to a meeting and he said that I could go to AlAnon. I thought there's nothing wrong me - it's all about him!!!! How wrong I was. I attended AlAnon for 5 years and learnt a lot but was still in my addiction to overeating. One day I had a blinding flash of insight that propelled me to seek recovery for my addiction. I attended my first OA meeting in 1988. I had been a dieter since the age of 7. I was obese as a child and my parents took me to a doctor who gave us a diet to follow. So, when I first came into OA I thought a food plan was just another diet. I restricted, lost weight but found it hard dealing with attention from men so I put the weight back on! Of course, I didn't have a sponsor and wasn't working the steps.

It took me a while to reach out for help as I had always been so independent. I found it hard to trust anyone. Anyway, I went to meetings, did service, shared with other members and eventually got a sponsor. During this time I was also questioning my sexuality and gravitated towards meetings that supported me in this process. Over the past 35 years I've had many years of abstinence and some years of relapse. It was just over 5 years ago that I was in a place of complacency. I had gone through the steps many times, was sponsoring and doing service at region level but was still picking up every now and then. I went to my sponsor one day and said "I'm sick of this" and we worked out an action plan. I went to daily meetings, handed over my food plan, cleared away resentments and made some major changes in my life that I had been putting off. I asked my sponsor why has it taken me so long to get continuous abstinence? They commented that this was the first time that I had REALLY asked for help. That was the key - the actions were good but my willingness to surrender and trust were more important. The final 15kgs melted away and in total I have lost 25kgs since coming to OA. My dietitian is happy with my BMI and has set the goal of maintaining my current weight.

I continue to practice Steps 10, 11 & 12 focusing on carrying the message as well as deepening my spiritual life. I attend 3 face to face meetings and some virtual meetings each week. I prefer face to face meetings as I feel there is a deeper level of vulnerability, accountability and connection at these meetings.

Trustee Application - Laurie O

NAME: Laurie O

LOCATION: Virginia, United States of America 






Individual (2006-present) Sponsor

Group (2006-present) Newcomer Greeter, Key Holder, Leader, Speaker, Literature/Medallion Rep, Secretary, Treasurer, Intergroup Rep

Tidewater Intergroup (2009-2015 and 2021-2023) Secretary, Treasurer, ByLaws Committee Chair, Retreat Committee member, Vice Chair, Chair, Region 7 Rep, WSBC Rep 2013, 2014, 2023

HOW Virtual Intergroup (2019-2020) Group Rep, Convention workshop speaker

Region 7: Observer at WSBC 2012, Fall Assembly Delegate from Tidewater Intergroup 2013 and 2014, Intergroup Renewal Participant 2014, ByLaws Committee Member 2013

World Service: Professional Outreach Committee 2013, Website Review Committee 2014, CAL Committee 2023

Board of Trustees: Member Executive Committee, Interim Trustee Co-Chair Twelve Step Within Committee, Member Strategic Planning Committee, Member Convention 2025 Committee


Business Manager for Navy quality of life programs such as housing and recreation: I employed my knowledge of effective communication skills, financial/resource databases, and best business practices to advise and assist the Commanding Officer. As resource management liaison I coordinated between departments to encourage interdependent collaberation across functional areas. I found ways to break down stovepipes and mediate conflict to foster cooperation rather than competition.

Technical Advisor Under Secretary of the Navy Total Quality Leadership Office: I used problem-solving, flexibility, and diplomacy to link East/West Coast training sites with senior staff in a sensitive political environment. Facilitated strategic planning for ship, shore, and flag command executive staffs. Projects required organizational skills, structured though process, and time management techniques as well as consensus building, process management, and an ability to read the group and keep them on track.

Navy Management Analyst/Master Trainer: Employed project management techniques to lead teams in data collection, analysis, and report writing for process improvement and quality management studies. Gave formal briefings for senior leaders and developed/conducted training for diverse groups.

Claims Representative/Operations Supervisor at Social Security: Used active listening, compassion, and objectivity to interview clients from diverse backgrounds, occasionally in Spanish. Applied critical thinking skills to monitor, analyze, and streamline workflow of claims processing.

B.S. Business Administration/Marketing Management, Postgraduate work Public Administration Professional development courses: leadership, process management, team dynamics, computer literacy


I'm asking for this opportunity to serve because I trust the direction and strength from my higher power on this commitment, because this program and fellowship have given me my life back, and because I'm willing and able to contribute to OA-wide needs. No doubt, without saying "yes" to service at every turn, my recovery would not be where it is today. That's not to say I've done every job there is or that I've done everyone's job. It is to say I've learned to do what I can when I can if the nudge comes from my higher power. From the moment 17 years ago when I first volunteered as Newcomer Greeter from my home group, I realized service is my lifeline. It's what keeps me vested and grounded in this twelve step way of life. I do my best to discern which service opportunities are right for me, and this one, as daunting as the title suggests, feels like the best opportunity yet to give back what I've so generously been given.

At WSBC 2023 I saw three complementary themes: Diversity, Service, and Outreach. Progress was made in all three areas. We globally changed "special" to "specific," approved new literature to promote diversity and sponsorship service, and improved outreach by clarifying "open" and "closed" meetings. We found the best solutions by listening to each other and by practicing these principles in all our affairs. There's more we can do together. So I walked away asking myself, "How can I contribute to these vital aspects of our future as a fellowship?" The answer from hp was to start with my own personal actions in diversity, service, and outreach. And the opening came by way of a request for application to fill vacancies on the Board of Trustees.


My compulsive eating began in childhood and was followed by decades of closet binging, diets, misery, and self hatred. I had a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" rearing. So I put my best efforts into school, work, social life, and was fairly successful in all areas except the nightmare that started when the sun went down and my secret foraging began. It was baffling that I could fix, manage, conquer so many challenges, yet not this one. I lost weight dozens of times, but could not resist that first compulsive bite, especially when my inner demons rose up. I tried diet clubs, therapy, medically supervised fasting, journals full of valiant promises never kept, early retirement...everything short of bariatric surgery. By the time I hit bottom I was, at 5'2" tall, over 280 lbs and had given up thinking I could ever live a normal life. One day reading a drug addict's story triggered the reminder of a book recommended by a therapist years before and there it was, unopened, on my bookshelf: Overeaters Anonymous. Two days later I was at my first meeting and the rest is my recovery history. I put down the food 4/01/2006 and haven't picked it up since. I've been maintaining a 140+ pound weight loss for 16 years.

Over the years since, the real miracle has happened. First I discovered I was full of fear, resentment, arrogance, selfishness, and dishonesty. My sponsor, the literature and my fellows gave me the solution. I've been through the steps, studied the traditions and concepts many times, and cannot go to sleep any more without a written 10th step. I start every day, no matter where I am or what the day's agenda, with at least a half hour of reading, writing, prayer, and meditation. I commit my food plan for the day. Then I call my sponsor and share it all with her. The result has been a miraculous healing of old wounds and shortcomings, a giant shift of perspective, and a ton of gratitude. Most days I feel trusting, peaceful, humble, generous, honest and open. And when I don't, I know what to do: I turn to my higher power.

In OA I found not just the freedom, but the encouragement, to find my own higher power. Over the years I've discerned the source of strength and direction I need to live life on life's terms. And it's not me. Today I have enduring faith that all will be well, no matter what the world around me looks like. I've considered a tattoo that says Acceptance is the answer, One day at a time, or more recently, Trust Life. Yet I keep evolving, so no ink yet. Besides, I have so much journey ahead of me. thanks for letting me share.

Literature Order Instructions

Conference Literature Pre-Orders
There will be no literature orders onsite at Conference. You must place your order with the World Service Office no later than Friday, April 26, 2024.

Literature Order Instructions

Literature orders for Conference pickup CANNOT be placed through the OA Bookstore website.

  1. Please download the order form at https://media.oa.org/app/uploads/2023/06/26103417/oa-literatureorder-form.pdf and mail it to the World Service Office or call the World Service Office Literature Department at 505-891-2664 to place your order.
  2. Please make sure to include your full name, telephone number, payment information, and the selected literature item quantities.
  3. Payment must be received with your order. We will not accept payment at Conference. Please include a check/money order or fill out the credit card information with the credit card number, 3-digit security code, expiration date, billing information, and sign the form.

    Note: If you need help totaling your order or have questions/concerns, please contact the World Service Office Literature Department at 505-891-2664.
  4. Orders must be received no later than Friday, April 26, 2024. Mailed orders can be sent to:

    World Service Office
    Attn: Literature Department – For Conference Pickup
    PO Box44727
    Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727 USA
    T: 505-891-2664

    Note: If you choose to phone your order with payment information, please let the WSO staff know it is “for Conference pickup.” Literature orders for Conference pickup CANNOT be placed through the OA Bookstore website.
  5. All literature orders will be available for pickup at the OA Registration Desk when you pick up your registration materials. If you do not pick up your order at Conference, there will be additional fees to ship the order to you.

Prepayment is required. Orders must be received no later than Friday, April 26, 2024.

Airport Transfer Options

Airport Transportation Information

Below are your options for airport/hotel transfers.

ABQ Ride (https://www.cabq.gov/transit/routes-and-schedules)

Albuquerque’s public transit system. Visit website for bus service times, routes, and schedule changes. Route #50 is located on the Bag Claim Level at the west end of the shuttle island. Look for the bus stop signs.

Rental Cars (http://www.abqsunport.com/getting-around/rental-cars/)

Car rental shuttles provide free transportation between the terminal building and the Car Rental Center. Shuttles run every 10 minutes from the commercial lane located outside the first level of the airport terminal building. Shuttle buses are handicapped-accessible. Rentals available from Ace Rent-A-Car, Alamo, Avis, Budget, Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz, National, Payless, Sixt, and Thrifty.

Ride Sharing

Lyft (https://www.lyft.com) OR Uber (https://www.uber.com/ride/)

Download the Lyft or Uber app and setup a free account. Pickup is on the Bag Claim Level, Door 7.

ZTrip (formerly Yellow Cab) (https://www.ztrip.com/new-mexico/)

Download the ZTrip app and setup a free account. Pickup is on the Bag Claim Level, Door 2.


Accessible Vans of America – ABQ


Call to book at least 24 hours in advance

Grocery Shuttles Information

World Service Business Conference 2024

Grocery Shuttle

OA is offering a grocery shuttle for attendees on Monday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 7. The shuttle will drop off between Smith’s and Walmart (across the street from each other). As the shuttle is limited, we are requiring attendees to RSVP. The times scheduled are as follows:

Monday, May 6


3-4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, May 7


3-4:30 p.m.


Please RSVP for the grocery shuttle with Znona Fern at zfern@oa.org or call 505-891-2664.

Manuscript (DRAFT – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION): OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies

This is only available at https://oa.org/draft-manuscript-oa-handbook-do-not-distribute-wsbc/ as we are asked not to distribute it.

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