2023 World Service Business Conference

Albuquerque, New Mexico


“Concepts of Service: The Heart of Fellowship”

Dear Delegates,

This brief summary contains only voting results, which you may submit to your service bodies. The motions are printed in their final format as amended.

The minutes, all speeches, presentation/discussion items, committee reports, workshop reports, names of delegates and trustees, bylaws, and the Business Conference Policy Manual will be published in the Final Conference Report. The Final Conference Report (excluding full delegate names and contact information) will be available on the OA website in late August. Delegates will be notified, and a list of delegate names and contact information will be emailed directly to you.

There were 176 voting delegates and fourteen countries present.


Credentials Report 

The first item of business was to adopt the Credentials Report. The report was presented as follows:

176 eligible voters

The Credentials Report was adopted as presented.

Conference Standing Rules 

Amendment One

Motion to amend Standing Rule #2 to read as follows:

2) General and Communications

F) There will be no smoking, eating, or chewing gum, except for medical purposes, in the business meetings, committee meetings, or educational workshops, except that the Reference Subcommittee shall be free to eat meals, if necessary, during their sessions.

Amendment One adopted as amended.

The Conference Standing Rules were adopted as amended.

Consent Agenda 

New Business Motion D (WSBC Policy 1979e)

New Business Motion G (WSBC Policy 1992e)

New Business Motion H (WSBC Policy 1993c)

New Business Motion J (WSBC Policy 2001)

New Business Motion L (WSBC Policy 2009b and 2019c)

New Business Motion N (WSBC Policy 2014b)

New Business Motion O (WSBC Policy 2017a)

New Business Motion Q (WSBC Policy 2019b)

New Business Motion R (WSBC Policy 2021)

Proposal Item 2 (Bylaws, Subpart B, Article IX, Section 5)

Proposal Item 3 (Bylaws, Subpart B, Article V, Section 2)

Motion required 2/3 vote to adopt. The Consent Agenda was adopted as amended.

Conference Agenda 

The Conference agenda was adopted as distributed.

Remaining Business 

The remainder of business consisted of officers’ reports, region reports, and committee reports.


Credentials Report 

The first item of business was to adopt the Credentials Report. The report was presented as follows:

175 eligible voters

The Credentials Report was adopted as presented.

There were committee reports, trustee nominee speeches, and time for questions and answers.

New Business Motion A-a

Move to grant the Conference Seal of Approval to the manuscript Diverse Voices: A Common Solution.

Motion required 2/3 vote to adopt. New Business Motion A-a adopted.

New Business Motion A-b

Move to grant the Conference Seal of Approval to the manuscript Sponsorship in OA: Guiding Others into Recovery.

Motion Required 2/3 vote to adopt. New Business Motion A-b failed.

Remaining Business 

The remainder of business consisted of announcements.


Credentials Report 

The first item of business was to adopt the Credentials Report. The report was presented as follows:

174 eligible voters

The Credentials Report was adopted as presented.

Trustee Elections 

The results of the trustee elections were as follows:

Beverly M.


Gary D.

Lee R.

Meg M.

Michael K.

New Business Motion B

Move to create the following public communications policy and rescind WSBC Policies 2008b, 2008c, 2008d, and 2008e.

It is proposed that Overeaters Anonymous adopt a Public Communications Policy. The purpose of the public communications policy is to assist Overeaters Anonymous to continue to grow the Fellowship and to carry its message to the compulsive eater who still suffers.

We fulfill our primary purpose most effectively by attraction and cooperation—not promotion or affiliation.

Overeaters Anonymous is attracting when it tells people why we are, what we are, what we do, and how; we let them know that we are available if and when help is needed. We state the facts, which are communicated via all available forms of public media, always stressing personal anonymity at the public level. Overeaters Anonymous is cooperating when it works with others, rather than alone. Working with others broadens our scope and contacts, and we reach more of those in need.

Overeaters Anonymous and registered service bodies may purchase ads or send press releases and public service announcements, including those in relation to special events and promotions, in all forms of public media, provided personal anonymity is maintained for members of Overeaters Anonymous (contact names on media communication can include any special worker associated with public communications, as well as the first names of individual members).

For more information on the implementation of this policy, see Overeaters Anonymous board-approved guidelines.

WSBC Policy 2008b 

It was adopted to: 

Create an Overeaters Anonymous media policy. 

To raise public awareness, Overeaters Anonymous and associated service bodies may send press releases to or make use of special events/promotions in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, websites, billboards, and other means of public media, providing personal anonymity is maintained for members of Overeaters Anonymous. Contact names on media communication can include any special worker associated with public awareness as well as the first names of individual Overeaters Anonymous members. 

WSBC Policy 2008c 

It was adopted to: 

Create an Overeaters Anonymous public relations policy. 

If Overeaters Anonymous is to continue to exist, it must continue to grow in order to fulfill its primary purpose of carrying its message to the compulsive eater who still suffers and to reach those who are not yet aware of the existence of our Fellowship. 

We fulfill this primary purpose most effectively by attraction and cooperation—not promotion or affiliation. For the guidance of our Fellowship, here are definitions of those terms: 

To Attract: To draw by other than physical influence; to invite; to draw to; to encourage approach

To Promote: To push forward; to further advance, as in a business venture (implies “hard sell,” advancement for profit) 

Cooperation: Joint operation or action (implies coming together of two or more people to work together for a common goal or benefit or on a common problem) 

Affiliation: Association or close connection; a uniting (implies lending one’s name, endorsement, legal, or financial partnership) 

Overeaters Anonymous is attracting when it tells people why we are, what we are, what we do, and how; we let them know that we are available if and when help is needed. We state the facts, which are communicated via the press, radio, TV, internet, and films, always stressing personal anonymity at the public level. 

Overeaters Anonymous is cooperating when it works with others*, rather than alone. Working with others broadens our scope and contacts and we reach more of those in need. Hiring outside contractors or service companies is not considered an affiliation. 

*Examples could include, but are not limited to, hospitals, doctors, nurses, clergymen, treatment centers, educators, dieticians, nutritionists, employee assistance programs, and health spas. 

WSBC Policy 2008d 

It was adopted to: 

Create an Overeaters Anonymous public service announcements policy. 

To raise public awareness, Overeaters Anonymous and associated service bodies may make use of public service announcements in appropriate newspapers, magazines, television, radio, websites, billboards, and other means of public media. 

WSBC Policy 2008e 

It was adopted to: 

Create an Overeaters Anonymous paid ads policy. 

To raise public awareness, Overeaters Anonymous and associated service bodies may purchase ads in appropriate newspapers, magazines, television, radio, websites, billboards, and other public media. 

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion B adopted.

Substitute New Business Motion A

Move to create the following policy.

All official documents and communications issued at the World Service level will avoid, wherever possible, the use of acronyms and abbreviations. The acronym for Overeaters Anonymous, “OA”, and literature will be exempt from this policy.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion A adopted.

Substitute New Business Motion C

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1978 to read as follows:

It was adopted that:

Service bodies may obtain permission to translate and/or publish or republish OA literature, including translated literature, through the established licensing process. Published translated literature shall conform to existing OA-approved literature.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion C adopted.

New Business Motion K

Move to rescind WSBC Policy 2009a.

It was adopted that: 

The World Service Office provides website templates for optional use by OA service bodies and groups in creating or revising their websites. 

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion K adopted.

Remaining Business 

The remainder of business consisted of announcements.


Credentials Report 

The first item of business was to adopt the Credentials Report. The report was presented as follows:

174 eligible voters

The Credentials Report was adopted as presented.

New Business Motion M

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2013 to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2013

The following policy statement was adopted:

Statement on Individual Member Donations to the OA World Service Office 1) A member may contribute up to US$7,500 per year to the general fund, up to US$7,500 per year to any special fund, and up to US$7,500 per year to honor the memory of a deceased member. 2) OA, Inc. may accept a bequest from the will of a deceased member in cash or cash equivalent. There is no limit on the amount of such a bequest.

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion M adopted.

New Business Motion P

Move to rescind WSBC Policy 2018a.

WSBC Policy 2018a 

It was adopted that: 

The World Service Business Conference 2018 direct the Board of Trustees of Overeaters Anonymous to establish an ad hoc committee to research and delineate the best means and costs of improving, upgrading, and expanding the electronic “front door” of OA for the purpose of defining a budgetary amount for a “Welcome to OA” capital campaign. OA’s “front door” includes the oa.org website data systems and could include the development of a geolocator and real-time Find a Meeting app for smartphones, or other means revealed to be useful in the research. 

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion P adopted.

New Business Motion S

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2008f to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2008f

It was adopted that:

The Overeaters Anonymous World Service Office (WSO) sell recovery chips marked with years from 1 to 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50.

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion S adopted as amended.

New Business Motion V

Move that the Board of Trustees investigates and, if appropriate, establishes a digital lending library to serve new and returning members. Access to the lending library will be limited to no more than ninety days per member. Licensed translated literature will be provided through the lending library if the license holder chooses to participate. The Board of Trustees will determine which OA literature will be available through the lending library.

New Business Motion V referred to committee.

Substitute New Business Motion E-1

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1982c to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 1982c

Group (meeting) definitions of Overeaters Anonymous are as follows:

Meeting with Visitors (Open): Open to everyone. All meetings are considered open to visitors unless otherwise indicated.

Meeting without Visitors (Closed): Open to those who desire to stop eating compulsively. (This includes newcomers, OA members, and others who think they have a problem with food.)

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion E-1 adopted. 

Substitute New Business Motion E-2

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1982c to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 1982c

Specific-Focus Meeting: Designed for individuals who may feel they can more readily identify with fellow members of Overeaters Anonymous with similar attributes. For a full list, see the oa.org Find a Meeting page. All OA members are welcome at these meetings.

Specific-Topic Meeting: Designed for a specific subject matter or format. For a full list, see the oa.org Find a Meeting page. All OA members are welcome at these meetings.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion E-2 adopted.

Substitute New Business Motion F

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1992a to read as follows:

The following policy statement was adopted:

“Unity with Diversity” Policy

THE FELLOWSHIP of Overeaters Anonymous encourages and promotes acceptance and inclusivity. All are welcome to join OA and are not excluded because of race, creed, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other attribute. We welcome all who share our compulsion. Everyone with the desire to stop eating compulsively is welcome in Overeaters Anonymous.

THE FELLOWSHIP recognizes the existence of individual approaches and different structured concepts to working our Twelve Step program of recovery; that the Fellowship is united by our disease and our common purpose; and that individual differences in approaches to recovery within our Fellowship need not divide us.

THE FELLOWSHIP respects the rights of members, groups, and service bodies to follow a particular concept of recovery within Overeaters Anonymous and encourages each member, group, and service body to respect those rights as they extend the hand of fellowship to those who still suffer.

THE FELLOWSHIP encourages each duly registered group and service body to affirm and maintain the Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous by allowing members to share their experience, strength, and hope in meetings regardless of the individual approach or specific concept that member may follow. Duly registered is defined as being in full compliance with Bylaws, Subpart B, Article V.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion F adopted. 

Remaining Business 

The remainder of business consisted of announcements.


Credentials Report 

The first item of business was to adopt the Credentials Report. The report was presented as follows:

172 eligible voters

The Credentials Report was adopted as presented.

Substitute New Business Motion I

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1994b to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 1994b

It was adopted that:

Overeaters Anonymous recognizes the existence of specific-focus meetings comprised of persons with similar attributes. For a list of these meetings, see the oa.org Find a Meeting page.

According to the Traditions, bylaws, and policies of OA, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. Therefore, we ask each person attending a meeting to respect and consider the group conscience of the whole Followship and welcome and give a voice to any person who has a desire to stop eating compulsively.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion I adopted.

Substitute New Business Motion T

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2010a to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2010a

The following Policy statement was adopted:

Statement on Approved Literature

In accordance with our Traditions, we suggest that OA groups maintain unity and honor our Traditions by using, selling, and displaying only approved books and pamphlets at their meetings. This includes OA Conference- and board-approved literature; the current editions of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and the Alcoholics Anonymous book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and locally produced OA literature. Locally produced literature must be developed according to the OA Guidelines for Locally Produced Literature, and should be used with the greatest discretion. Local literature should be considered temporary and discontinued when OA literature approved for general use is available to cover the topic.

Motion required majority to adopt. Substitute New Business Motion T failed.

New Business Motion U

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2010a to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2010a

The following policy statement was adopted:

Statement on Approved Literature

In accordance with our Traditions, we suggest that OA groups maintain unity and honor our Traditions by using, selling, and displaying only approved books and pamphlets at their meetings. This includes OA Conference- and board-approved literature; AA Conference-approved books, booklets, and all future editions thereof, with original edition copyright 2010 or earlier; and locally produced OA literature. Although groups may choose to focus on only one piece of OA-approved literature, individuals and groups are encouraged to use any and all OA-approved literature. Locally produced literature must be developed according to the OA Guidelines for Locally Produced Literature, and should be used with the greatest discretion. Local literature should be considered temporary and discontinued when OA literature approved for general use is available to cover the topic.

Motion required majority to adopt. New Business Motion U adopted.

Updated Credentials Report 

171 eligible voters

Bylaw Amendment Proposal One

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Four

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Service bodies are formed to support the groups in matters the group cannot accomplish on their own.

There shall be five types of service bodies to provide services beyond the group level. Service bodies provide support and representation of the groups and intergroups from which they are formed and act as guardians of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.

Service Bodies

a) Intergroups

b) National Service Boards

c) Language Service Boards

d) Specific Focus Service Boards

e) Regions

Motion required 2/3 vote to adopt. Bylaw Amendment Proposal Four adopted as amended.

Housekeeping Motions – WSBC Bylaw Amendment Proposal 4

Motion #1

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 1 – Composition, Part d to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 1 – Composition

d) Specific-focus service boards are composed of two or more groups or intergroups to serve the common needs of groups and intergroups with the same specific-focus, regardless of geographic proximity.

Motion #2

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 2 – Registration, Part a to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 2 – Registration

a) Each service body shall be duly registered with the World Service Office of Overeaters Anonymous by submitting:

3) complete registration information on:

i) intergroups—each affiliated group;

ii) national service boards—each affiliated intergroup and group; 

iii) language service boards—each participating group, intergroup, and/or national service board; and 

iv) specific-focus boards—each participating group.

Motion #3

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 3 – Affiliation and Participation, Part d to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 3 – Affiliation and Participation

A specific-focus service board may affiliate with one region. When the specific-focus service board spans more than one region, it may choose which region to affiliate with. Should a specific-focus service board choose to not affiliate with a region, the BOT chair shall assign a trustee to serve as liaison to that specific-focus service board. The groups that participate in a specific-focus service board retain their original affiliation.

Motion #4

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation, Part b to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation

b) Minimal requirement for registered service bodies to maintain their registration at the WSO:

4) Specific-focus service boards shall convene at least once a year, after prior notice has been given to all member groups for election of officers and selection, when necessary, of one delegate/alternate to the World Service Business Conference of Overeaters Anonymous.

Motion #5

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation, Part d to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation

d) In order to deregister, a service body submits a written request to the World Service Office, region chair, and trustee liaison; or in the case of a language service board or specific-focus service board that is not affiliated with a region, the World Service Office, and the trustee liaison.

Motion #6

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation, last sentence to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 4 – Functioning and WSBC Representation

Any group or service body may participate in the activities (including voting) of another intergroup, national service board, language service board, and/or specific-focus service board, and region with their permission.

Motion #7

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VIII – Meetings of Delegates, Section 3 – Delegates, Part a to read as follows:

Article VIII – Meetings of Delegates

Section 3 – Delegates

The delegates to the World Service Business Conference shall be as follows:

a) Voting delegates shall consist of the following persons chosen in accordance with OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI, Section 4(c) or Article VIII, Section 3(c)1:

4) Each language or specific-focus service board is entitled to have one qualified delegate only, regardless of the number of groups or service bodies (at least two meetings) that compose the language or specific-focus service board.

Motion #8

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VIII – Meetings of Delegates, Section 3 – Delegates, Part c to read as follows:

Article VIII – Meetings of Delegates

Section 3 – Delegates

The delegates to the World Service Business Conference shall be as follows:

c) Qualifications/Selection

4) Each language or specific-focus service board is entitled to have one qualified delegate only, regardless of the number of groups or service bodies (at least two meetings) that compose the language or specific-focus service board.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Five

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Six

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Seven

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Eight

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Nine

Withdrawn by maker.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Ten

Withdrawn by maker.

Updated Credentials Report 

170 eligible voters

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Thirteen

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VI – Service Bodies, Section 3 – Affiliation and Participation, Part a to read as follows:

Article VI – Service Bodies

Section 3 – Affiliation and Participation

For the purpose of registration and WSBC representation:

a) An intergroup may affiliate with one national service board if it exists, shall be affiliated with one region, and may participate in one or more language service boards. If the intergroup affiliates with a national service board, that intergroup may choose to affiliate with the national service board’s region or choose to remain in the currently assigned region.

Motion required 2/3 vote to adopt. Bylaw Amendment Proposal Thirteen adopted.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Fourteen

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Fourteen was ruled out of order due to passage of Proposal Thirteen. 

Consent Agenda Motions 

New Business Motion D

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1979e to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 1979e

It was adopted:

To ensure personal anonymity be maintained, the online version of the Final World Service Business Conference Report will only include first names and last initials in minutes and reports. The contact section of the report, which includes names, phone numbers, and email addresses of delegates will be emailed to all service bodies and delegates following Conference. “For Use Within OA Only” will appear at the top of this list.

New Business Motion D adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion G

Move to rescind WSBC Policy 1992e.

WSBC Policy 1992e 

It was adopted that: 

The World Service Board of Trustees incorporates the job description of the general service trustee on the trustee application form. 

New Business Motion G adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion H

Move to amend WSBC Policy 1993c to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 1993c

It was adopted that:

The World Service Office shall contact all service bodies annually requesting contributions for the Delegate Support Fund to help delegates to attend World Service Business Conferences. Delegates selected to receive funding will be those from intergroups and service boards demonstrating need. Priority will be given to those intergroups and service boards that have not previously sent delegates to Conference.

New Business Motion H adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion J

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2001 to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2001

It was adopted that:

There will continue to be a delegate registration fee adjusted as deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees. A portion of this fee is nonrefundable based on cost.

New Business Motion J adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion L

Move to rescind WSBC Policy 2009b and add to WSBC Policy 2019c.

WSBC Policy 2009b 

It was adopted that: 

December 12 (12/12) each year be designated as OA’s International Twelfth Step Within Day, the purpose of which will be to encourage OA service bodies, meetings, and individual members to reach out to those within the Fellowship who are still suffering from compulsive eating behaviors. 

WSBC Policy 2019c

The following policy statement was adopted:

The World Service Business Conference established the following annual events.

OA Birthday: The third full weekend (Friday included) of January as the annual celebration of the January 19, 1960 founding of Overeaters Anonymous.

Unity Day: The last Saturday in February in even years and the last Sunday in February in odd years at 11:30 a.m. local time.

Sponsorship Day: The third full weekend (Friday included) in August.

International Day Experiencing Abstinence (IDEA): The third full weekend (Friday included) in November.

Twelfth Step Within Day: December 12 (12/12) each year be designated as OA’s International Twelfth Step Within Day, the purpose of which will be to encourage OA service bodies, meetings, and individual members to reach out to those within the Fellowship who are still suffering from compulsive eating behaviors.

New Business Motion L adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion N

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2014b to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2014b

It was adopted that:

Meetings of Delegates

Annual Business Conference

3) Oral committee and workshop reports shall be made on the final day of the Business Conference when time allows. Written reports are due in the World Service Office four weeks following the close of the Business Conference.

New Business Motion N adopted on the Consent agenda.

New Business Motion O

Move to rescind WSBC Policy 2017a.

WSBC Policy 2017a 

The following policy statement was adopted: 

Overeaters Anonymous will establish an ad hoc committee to consider the implementation/registration of a Spanish language service board (SLSB). The Spanish-speaking Fellowship will work with the BOT in order to establish how the SLSB will fit into the OA service structure. 

New Business Motion O adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion Q

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2019b to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2019b

It was adopted to:

Apply for and, if approved, accept non-profit status from Google.

New Business Motion Q adopted on the Consent Agenda.

New Business Motion R

Move to amend WSBC Policy 2021 to read as follows:

WSBC Policy 2021

The following policy statement was adopted:

Diverse Voices Policy

When developing new and updating existing literature published by Overeaters Anonymous World Service, the Literature committees will make a concerted effort to include stories and/or quotes from members of diverse populations that are underrepresented in OA.

New Business Motion R adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Two

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article IX – Conference Committees, Section 5 – Disbanding Conference Committees, Part b to read as follows:

Article IX – Conference Committees

Section 5 – Disbanding Conference Committees

b) A Conference committee established by an act of the World Service Business Conference may only be suspended by an act of the World Service Business Conference.

c) If such a committee is found not to have been working or meeting outside of WSBC for more than one year, a motion to disband the committee shall be placed on the agenda of the next World Service Business Conference by the Board of Trustees for consideration at that World Service Business Conference.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Two adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Three

Move to amend OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article V – Overeaters Anonymous Groups, Section 2 – Composition, Parts b and c to read as follows:

Article V – Overeaters Anonymous Groups

Section 2 – Composition

a) A group may be formed, as set forth in Article V, Section 1, by two or more persons meeting together, either

1) in the same physical location (land-based);

2) through some form of electronic device (virtual); or

3) both (hybrid).

b) Groups compose the service bodies set forth in Article VI hereof.

c) Affiliation/Participation:

1) A group may affiliate with only one intergroup or national service board through the registration process.

2) Unaffiliated groups that are not ready to form a service body or new groups without any intergroup or national service board in their language may affiliate with an intergroup or national service board that supports groups in their language including translation of OA literature. 

3) Any group or service body may participate in the activities (including voting) of another service body with their permission.

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Three adopted on the Consent Agenda.

Bylaw Amendments 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and 18 were not considered due to lack of time.

Remaining Business 

The remaining business consisted of the green dot ceremony, and acknowledgements.

Seventh Tradition Total: $2,477.75

World Service Business Conference 2023

Intergroup/Service Board Representation

Per the November 2004 BOT meeting, a motion was passed that states “On the final morning of the Conference, a count of those represented intergroups and service boards shall be made.” Therefore, the counts below are based on the final morning (4/29/23) of World Service Business Conference 2023




Total # of 

Intergroups/Service Boards 

(as of 4/29/23)

Total # of 

Intergroups/Service Boards Represented at Conference 2023

Percentage of 

Intergroups/Service Boards Represented at Conference 2023

Region 1




Region 2




Region 3




Region 4




Region 5




Region 6




Region 7




Region 8




Region 9




Region 10




Virtual Region




Per OA, Inc. Bylaws, Subpart B, Article VIII, Section 3, Part a) 6: A region that was represented at the last WSBC by fewer than 40 percent of its intergroups and other eligible service bodies may send up to five additional delegates from the region. When selecting these delegates, the region shall give preference to delegates from intergroups and service bodies which would not otherwise be represented.

Therefore, Regions One, Four, Five, Eight, Nine, and Ten are eligible to send up to five additional delegates to World Service Business Conference 2024.


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